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RE: Todays collection of pizzagate mind maps, leads and videos [+Offering to pay for accounts for prominent anonymous content creators]

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

HI ausbitbank. Is there a way to communicate securely with you? I wish to pass on my research to get some feedback. I have followed a thread of evidence leading to what I believe is a producer of CP, or a procurer of children, or...

I have a feeling that a link in that chain of evidence wants out and is scared. I don't want to post anything publicly about this individual in the event my suspicion is true. Do you have a secure email? Yandex, etc?

Edit: damn auto correct


I have as well as pgp encryption , my key is here

Thanks! Looks like I have some learnin' to do, so it may be a little while before I send you something. :)