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RE: Pizzagate - I finally took a deep look and I am disgusted! How can anyone not be outraged by this evidence?

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

I had totally forgotten about Cliff High & the Web Bot. He used to appear on Red Ice Radio. While searching for this one episode with Cliff High I did listen to a couple of years back, I happened to stumbled on the RedIce show that has reappeared into my mind since #pizzagate broke out.

Independent journalist Sandy Frost joins us to talk about the corruption and bizarre activities of the Royal Order of Jesters, a group within the Shriners, connected with Freemasonry. Topics Discussed: the beginning of the Jesters, Dan Herback, Judge Tills, John Edwards, The Shriners, wire tap snippets, The Book of the Play, The Rose Ceremony, 600 thousand dollar parties, masonic promises, The Billiken, Gary N. Martin, rituals, Secret Order of Brother's in Blood, child prostitution rings, international network, human trafficking, prostitutes, the medicine wheel, law of the land, maritime law, admiralty law, IRS, Eyes Wide Shut, drugs, power, money, corruption and perversity a mental or physical disease?...