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RE: Podesta's Artist - stuff so bad journalists don't show it in articles

in #pizzagate8 years ago

One of Kim Noble's personnality his Salome. She is infamous for demanding and receiving the head of John the Baptist, according to the New Testament. I think all the images of heads severed from their bodies popping here and there in #pizzagate might also have (or more) to do with dissociative identity disorder then with beheadings per say.


The thing about his "favorite" Patricia "Puke" is that her work features demons as well as the implication of pedophilia. So it's a step worse than all the other art he likes. It combines the evil/satanic + the human pedo evil.

I guess it's a matter of opinion. In Piccinini's work the pedophilia is implicit as for Noble's art it's explicit. Google ''Kim Noble art'' images and see the results, it's right in our face. I don't even want to describe what we see, let alone post it here.

Kim Noble's art was the first I ever looked at. Then the Serbian artist's. I saw almost everything Noble produced. It's evil.

Noble's is explicit pedophelia + Sadomasochism.
Piccinini's is implicit pedophilia + Demons (satanism)