Thanks and well done! Alefantis just threatened a Pizzagate researcher's mother and girlfriend, demanding he remove his video about discovering the pizzzagate kill room.
There are screenshots of Alefantis threatening him in this blog post video.
We now have evidence of the psychopath in action. What innocent person would threaten someone's mother and girlfriend?
I did a search for this document and other companies apparently post it as well - so weird. If you weren't trafficking people why would you need such a doc? I bet this is the way to find out which co's are buying kids - thanks and I passed your docs on to my friends to peruse - thank you for your hard work on this! I hope that citizens will make an arrest because the courts are not going to do it.
So true @in2itveart No normal company would even think of stating they don't profit from slavery. What for if they're innocent?
interestingly though, if you search for this title, you will find many companies that make this statement. someone here commented that he works in a museum that "hopes" they don't utilize human trafficking - I have no idea what the fuck that means - but I guess that people are so focussed on the "bottom line" that they cut corners and don't really give a fuck as long as they get paid.