David Seaman's Friend went to Snoop on the James Alefantis "Museum" that Overlooks a Kid's Playground

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

I'm so glad David is reporting on this. There is no "museum". It's not open to the public!

Please note that the researcher who did the great work to locate the Kill Room at the Pegasus "Museum" announced a few hours ago that he's stopping all Pizzagate research after being threatened by James Alefantis and filing a police report.

Also note that Pizzabrain, which posted a pic of Alefantis's god daughter wearing a Pizza SLUT t-shirt four years ago also has a "museum".

Here's the pic Pizzabrain posted 4 years ago

What the hell is all this "museum" BS by pizza restaurant owners?

How about we call Steemit's Pizzagate feed a museum? After all, it contains tons of memorabilia about Pizzagate and IS actually open to the public. :)


It's really good to see David Seaman diving deeper into some of the new material that has come to light recently - namely Pegasus.
YT has been trying to shut him down, and it has sort of distracted David from focusing on the investigation.
Nice post!Thanks @gizmosia,

Edit - trying to get in the habit of user 'mentions'

Thanks V4 - agreed. He's such a credible, levelheaded personality that it helps a lot that he delves in. True re YT. The more they swipe at him, the more he persists. I like! :)

This place is the workshop of a man named Joseph Margot. The pictures of the "museum" that have been circulation show the inside of his workshop, some while it was under construction. I sent this link to David.

I've seen documents that show Alefantis as the owner of the building, but what if any connection this has to Pizzagate, is uncertain. Let's not indict an innocent man if he has nothing to do with what else is going on. Surely, not everybody that Alefantis comes into contact with is a pedo. http://www.margotwork.com/#/process/

@richq11 It's Joseph Wills. Possibly Margot is his 2nd name.

Alefantis demanded Ryan remove the Pegasus museum video. That got the whole world talking about the reason for that.

WHY is the Pegasus "museum" so important? Why is it called a museum and not open to the public?

Alefantis owns Comet Ping Pong and all of his Instagram friends kept talking about a Kill Room.

We'd all like to know what they do in the Kill Room and Ryan discovered where the Kill Room is. At The Pegasus Museum, which is not a museum.

You don't find all that problematic?

And I could go on about the "innocent man" part. The 45th most powerful man in DC who got to that position by serving pizza?

Who has kids taped to the tables and calls them "hotard" and stuffs their mouths with money. etc

I have no doubt that Alefantis is at least a pedo, if not something much darker. I'm talking about Joseph Margot, who we know nothing about. The pictures in the link are the inside of the building that is supposed to be the "museum." If you look closely at them you will see it. Some of the pictures are taken before and during the construction, some after it was painted.

Gotcha Sherlock. :) Nice point.

Rich, I see your point was about not labeling Joe Wills. It wasn't immediately clear. We have no labels for him. He designed the building. We have no proof Joe is involved in kidnapping kids or trafficking.

Joe Wills is someone else. The man that uses the building is Joseph Margot. By the looks of his website, he builds stuff. I've seen the same pictures (the one with the blowtorch and the two guys looking into the trench) called "the killing room under construction." Maybe there is a link between this Margot guy and Alefantis...maybe there isn't. Maybe Alefantis is just the landlord, we don't know. Until we have some evidence, I think it's irresponsible to make allegations. I'm disappointed in David, I thought better of him.

Ok thanks. So many Joes lol. I see your point but in defense of David, just imagine you were a bad guy :) and you had to renovate a building for nefarious purposes. You'd hire a guy you knew wouldn't blink at your requests for all kinds of odd stuff eg secret rooms possibly. All speculation about Margot yes, but birds of a feather tend to stick together.

It's also interesting that a malevolent steemer keeps flagging my posts when I use JA's full name. Iflagtrash keeps coming to my defense ;-)

How can you tell if your stuff is flagged? I don't know if I've been flagged or not...I believe in free speech and have never flagged anything. I figure if you don't like something, keep scrolling lol!

Someone showed me the other day lol. And apparently iflagtrash comes to the rescue if they do

I think you are stretching things to the point of falsehood by claiming the girl in the pizza slut shirt is Caris James (Alefantis' alleged God daughter). It is not the same girl. Though that photo IS very suggestive, in light of the whole scandal.


Exactly the same features. Falsehood? And she has the same hairstyle in other photos.

I disagree... For one, the nose is subtly different (bridge-tip area). I will grant you that they have a very similar appearance, with VERY similar features, but I want you to consider the possibility you are suffering confirmation bias.

Please don't take this as an attack - it is nothing of the sort. Your contributions and research have been invaluable. In fact, your posts were part of the overall context which led to my decision to join this community. But you have been displaying emotional thinking of late, and getting hostile and testy with anyone (including @ausbitbank) who challenges your conclusions...at times, even being downright insulting. This topic, by its very nature, stirs the emotions. To maintain objectivity, it is of the utmost importance to be vigilant, and not allow the emotions to 'rise-above-the-neck'.


P.S. Keep up the great work! :)

(edit): the date on the pizzabrain post is October 2012. The date of the screen cap of the 'taped wrists' photo is listed at 126 weeks ago. Even assuming that screen cap was taken June 2016, when the 4chan fbianon ama's started on Reddit (approx.), that would put the post of taped wrists at the earliest Jan/Feb. 2014. Pizza slut photo is not a "same girl months later.." photo of Caris James. Though possibly a sibling?

go tell that to Voat and to Aus who has claimed the same. I was cautious in my first post then saw everyone calling it so did the same. as for the rest, go look at the words "melodramatic bullshit" from Aus and think again. Adios

Yeah, I included the picture with the words "seems to be the same girl".

As for the "melodramatic bullshit", I stand by that because you STILL have the incorrect claim that steemit is censoring the pizzagate topic as your status.

This is despite having it explained to you multiple times from steemit users, developers and even the CEO that it's not true (and the ability to check the open source website code for yourself).

And still ..I check and upvote your content, forward your links to people and linked your post in my latest post. No idea why you're now unvoting, unfollowing and talking shit but I really don't need the drama..

I edited, I first replied thinking you were someone else

That makes no sense to me. Explain what you mean?

I am waiting for an explanation....

I have resteemed you and upvoted and sent you private research. I came here because I am a Titus frost fan. I don't know you from Adam but I'm tired of your attacks. Clearly you've been smearing me and I've had enough.

So I have unfollowed you now, removed my most recent vote. I can't undo the resteem I gave you yesterday. All without thanks I might add. And btw, when you use other people's stuff in your posts, try crediting them.

Replying here because of the comment depth..

I'm tired of your attacks. Clearly you've been smearing me and I've had enough.

I haven't once "smeared" you, all I did was attempt to educate you when you wear smearing steemit. I told you I thought it was melodramatic bullshit to your face immediately. Anything beyond that single conversation, you've completely invented.

Again, I don't need the drama - I'll live without your support have a good one

Funny how you were waiting in the sidelines on my discussion with someone else and chimed in almost to the minute without me even mentioning your full handle. Stay far way from me now. I would prefer not to think about you.

Oh ffs this is my last time I'm writing to you, and then you're getting muted.

  1. I knew immediately when I was mentioned because I monitor lots of keywords using steemwatch.com , it comes through as a chat notification.

  2. I still have never once "attacked" or "smeared" you, and you still haven't answered a single question of mine OR provided any proof OR listened to any advice given to you.

I'm sorry you got confused and emotional and refused to read, I'm muting you now.

Answered a single question of yours? I have countless emails to prove that wrong! And what or who is Eris? You never answered. Goodbye Jerk!

Interesting, @gizmosia, that you edited the post without indicating so. That is dishonest. (You added the bolded "four years ago" bit) Don't bother replying to me, you have been muted because of your growing hysteria and apparent inability to comprehend what people are actually saying to you...you see only what you want to see...i.e. wishful thinking. "Adios"


(edit): {see how this is done?} plus you are-being/have-been very disrespectful and rude.

Look I didn't want to get involved but I just want to share a little insight I am gathering here with this whole divided and DIS uniting conversation taking place with Giz and AUs and Homa ....Please lets all take notice of the fact that this whole issue of Pizzagate and the SAtanic Ritualistic Abuse and Murder of our HUMANITY is what is being disclosed and OH MY GOD what a highly emotionally charged subject this is with children,I believe we need to stay together and despite our emotions running high and our distrust and our egos WE Need to unite not divide with each other to CREATE a world where these atrocities don't take place and we are all free to be without worry of predators in the form of other humans! Please lets understand that this is a very charged subject and the distrust runs deep and for good reason as we have all been duped and lied to and fed disinfo for so many years...but seriously dig deep and forgive so we can add our strength to each other and focus our intentions like a laser beam to eradicate these unacceptable atrocities being done to our children and fellow human beings...No~body DESERVES This...lets keep focused together...I am repeating myself ...arghhhh but I am so passionate about how powerful we are as a unified cohesive Group!! Namastay over and out! Love and light to you ALL!! WE really are all ONE beautiful Verse....

Check the date and time edited - shortly after I posted it! Way before you began attacking me out of the blue on some twisted mission yesterday. I often do that to add info after posts. You're really sick!

Anyone can check the blockchain which records all edit times and dates. If someone could please do this for me and screenshot it I'd appreciate it - I don't have the time because I'm busy working on a big post.

I really hope you go away and stay away.