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RE: Pizzagate - I finally took a deep look and I am disgusted! How can anyone not be outraged by this evidence?

in #pizzagate8 years ago

I have been watching Pizzagate on and off over a little over a week. I figured if there was anything to it I could find something new within a few minutes. I decided to focus on Comet, which seemed an overlooked clue. Comets have heads and tails. So do sperm. Pretty tenuous. A comma even looks a little like a sperm. Still no big deal. However I discovered that the Comet Assay tests for DNA damage in {drumroll} .... SPERM! So clearly we have another little hint like these pervs can't stop themselves from dropping.


Comet is also coincidentally Collaborative Offender Management Enforced Treatment

deploys state agents across Maryland to visit and question sex offenders deemed to be a higher risk to the community.

I stopped using the logo I chose for myself on Steemit because it represented a comet. lol

The thing is I more or less randomly chose and put together the number 15397 for my YouTube accounts' name years ago. About 2 months ago, when I googled 15397, the only thing that made sense was this Ksoari asteroid, so I chose a 5 pointed star (which came up through a comet research) for the purpose of putting my 5 numbers in each point.

All of this to say that COMET has 5 letters, just like the small pentagrams in the old Comet Liquor board have 5 points.

According to Marty Leeds' English Gematria system: C=3 ; O=2; M=1; E=5; T=7.
3+2+1+5+7=18 ; 1+8=9

I don't know where I was going with that...

Here is a different perspective on the John Podesta popular picture:

The De-Occulting of John Podesta

Lol.. So many words just feel wrong now

Yeah, can't even eat most fast foods with peace of mind these days. lol