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RE: Who Is Swordfish And Is Their Threat To Release Pedo Info Legit?

in #pizzagate8 years ago

That SRA is happening there can be no doubt. The fact that MSM keeps it off their news feed is proof enough of the power elite's involvement.

What I have yet to figure out is where all of these organs are going to and where the operations are taking place.

I suspect that the need for these organs, either for resale or use by the elite themselves is the pro-generator of this growing propensity to destroy the children in any way and all ways devious and diabolical. If a child is deemed to have talent then they are sent to the money mill...after mindscaping is fully implemented.

Like rotting carcasses the gasses produced will eventual leak from the lid of it's many hiding places and the stench of it is already becoming more prevalent. Eventually the mess will need to be cleaned up...from the top down.