Organised Child Rape, Blackmail, War and much much more

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

This series of 5 videos released yesterday 9 Feb 2017 is a good summary of the mechanism behind organised child sexual abuse, war, regime change, weapons, oil, banking and debt, sex trafficking, organ harvesting and more.

[Apologies on not sorting out formatting properly yet, but its relatively ok, but visit for the original]

This is organised by the “security” services (Who do they secure? Who do they serve?), parts of the state, private corporations and the secret or shadow government – those parts that are really in power ie Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers and so many layers above that. It also involves supra national bodies such as NATO.

Day 109 DynCorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 5 109.5 [5] (above)

The video [5] I have put above first, as this is a blog about child sexual abuse, but it is actually Day 109 Part 5 [5]. It explains how “Brownstone” Operations work.

Brownstones are blackmail operations using children as the sexual objects by which the organisers blackmail whoever they want to blackmail. In the US there are probably brownstones in every county, and they are also worldwide in order to gain power and control.

Jeffrey Epstein was running one with Brit Ghislaine Maxwell (daughter of disgraced newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell who stole peoples pensions and sold PROMIS spying software)

The same style of operation will be run in Britain by MI5 and an old example was at Kincora, although they will be much slicker by now. Britain will also be running them abroad via MI6, in cooperation with Gladio forces, Pinay Circle and maybe with or in opposition to the Knights of Malta Puppetmasters of Child Sexual Abuse – Le Cercle, Gladio, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei Networks [8]

Other countries will all be running with their equivalents. Many different entities run them.

Although George has not mentioned it yet, certainly in the US and UK, children are being stolen from families with the connivance of social services, courts, doctors, psychiatrists, lawyers and judges under the guise of forced adoption, and other techniques. This is supposedly in the “best interests of the child” and parents are gagged by courts from speaking out, again so the children are not identified, leaving parents helpless.

Day 109 Dyncorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 1 109.1 [1]

The video above 109.1 [1] is good summary of what George Webb has published so far about the mechanism behind organised child sexual abuse, war, regime change, weapons, oil, banking and debt, sex trafficking, organ harvesting.

This is organised, has been going on for decades, is repeated in country after country eg Bosnia, Libya, is going on at present in Haiti and Syria, and Yemen.

Day 109 Dyncorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 2 109.2 [2]

The video above 109.2 [2] features Dyncorp which was set up the day the CIA was formed. Dyncorp is the private black “covert” militarised part of the operation. They have contracts to train the Police and ensure they are compromised and controlled in key areas and that Police do as controlled as well as controlling others and co-opting more criminal elements.

Day 109 DynCorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 3 109.3 [3]

The video above, 109.3, features Fusion Centres which target enemies of the state. Enemies is a loose term which can include journalists, or people who money is wanted from, or anyone who they decide, often under the cover of anti terrorism, Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).

They get information from all sources, state and otherwise, and spying software such as PROMIS and Palantir, and harass and degrade the ability of the “enemy” to function by all means possible.

Hillary Clinton is heavily involved and used the mechanism to raise money. The Brownstone Operations are used in this as well.

Day 109.4 DynCorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 4 109.4 [4]

The video above 109.4 [4] explains how countries are degraded, invaded and toppled. Cellphone networks are set up for microcredit, indebting women into prostitution and selling organs. Families are divided, children trafficked for the Brownstone Operations and for organs. Men used to fight and the for organs. Money called for from state aid and charities is stolen and used for hotels, ports, and infrastructure desirable for further brownstones, organ harvesting, transport etc

President Trump

The hope is that Donald Trump, for all his many and obvious faults, is WYSIWG (what you see is what you get). If he is, then this alone will be better than any other recent president, who have all been part of the same criminal cartel.

At the delayed swearing in of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Trump announced an executive order on Human Trafficking, which includes

“Transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including transnational drug cartels, have spread throughout the Nation, threatening the safety of the United States and its citizens. These organizations derive revenue through widespread illegal conduct, including acts of violence and abuse that exhibit a wanton disregard for human life. They, for example, have been known to commit brutal murders, rapes, and other barbaric acts.”

“These groups are drivers of crime, corruption, violence, and misery. In particular, the trafficking by cartels of controlled substances has triggered a resurgence in deadly drug abuse and a corresponding rise in violent crime related to drugs. Likewise, the trafficking and smuggling of human beings by transnational criminal groups risks creating a humanitarian crisis. These crimes, along with many others, are enriching and empowering these organizations to the detriment of the American people.”

“the illegal smuggling and trafficking of humans, drugs or other substances, wildlife, and weapons;”

2017 Feb 9 Whitehouse Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking [9]

He announced that he was signing an executive order to “…break the back of the criminal cartels that have spread across out nation and our destroying the blood of our youth…”

A strange phrase, giving further indication that he is aware of what is going on.

[10] 2017 Feb 9 You Tube Whitehouse President Trump Participates in the Swearing-In of the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions

He must be held to stopping this state sanctioned child rape and other criminality.

If he is trying to stop it, Trump needs help from the people as the dark forces of these cabals are stronger, more organised and in higher positions of secret power than the President of United States.

There have been many rumours that arrests of VIP child traffickers are about to happen, of the type that Podesta and other email leaks, and Pizzagate investigations have strongly hinted at and shown circumstantial evidence for [12]

There appears to have been several examples recently of increased activity. eg 2017 Feb 7 Reuters Haiti hotel police raid exposes child sex trafficking [11]

For more examples of recent activity traffickers and a better selection than mine of parts of the trafficking Executive Order see Deus Nexus Will New Attorney General Go After Political Pedophile Networks? [13]

However this may not be what they seem, this may well be a Brownstone Operation that is withdrawing as the spotlight is more coming upon them as the public find out from people like George. No names are given, and if any are caught it will be small fry not the organisers. It is though a sign of what can be achieved on exposing the dark side to sunlight.

What can we do? We must stop these criminals harming our children in future


You know what has happened to you better than anyone else, and there are millions of you. There is no shame in having suffered abuse from someone else.

Write, draw, make videos, songs, and music about what your story.

Create or join local survivors groups. Strength is derived by joining together. Support each other for healing, legal advice.

Can anyone make an app for survivors to join together into groups?

Learn more

Follow Truthleaks @GeorgWebb on twitter

Watch George Webb Videos video channel [7]

Research child sexual abuse

Join child sexual abuse groups

If another area is your strength, then look into that.

Use your talent to help where you can.

Write in comments below if you dont know where you fit in yet.

Spread awareness

Spread the videos and articles and information on social media. Try using new social media to spread it across, not just on one media. Join new groups, rely less on mainstream corporate news, which hides most of these facts.

Write, draw, make videos, songs, and music about what is happening

Tell people

In easily digestible chunks about the organised child sexual abuse organised by your government, the cause of wars, the organ harvesting, the organsied prostitition, the control by Rothschild worthless fiat currency, the stealing of gold, oil and resources, the criminal cabal in control of our world.


Useful material is always going missing. Use and to help archive any you find.

Tell your democratic representatives

Write, phone, email, visit your local MPs or equivalent.

“Secret Services”

If you are a member of the secret services – think about if you know who you really are working for as well as the nature of your work. You are taught to lie and deceive and have to live your life like that.

If they are teaching you to live a lie, do you think that the bosses that you know, care about you? You do not even know who is really pulling the strings above them. It s not who it appears. Who you are doing the dirty work for?

Those Blackmailed

If you are being blackmailed, then try and get out now or you will be living the rest of your life at the whim of the blackmailers.

Potential Whistleblowers

Those working for dark organisations or who know information. There are organisations such as wikileaks and others who will receive your information and no one will know. Consider this option to get the word out. At present the dark forces compartmentalise people and information so that the good people cannot see the whole picture. Lets turn it around, so we have the information.

Knowledge is power.

Together we will win, stop these criminals and save our children , but we need your help..

The following are mainly UK based places for survivor help

The Sanctuary for the Abused [A] has advice on how to prevent triggers.
National Association for People Abused in Childhood [B] has a freephone helpline and has links to local support groups.
One in Four [C]
Havoca [D].
Useful post on Triggers [E]  from SurvivorsJustice [F] blog.
Jim Hoppers pages on Mindfulness [G]  and Meditation [H] may be useful.
Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma  [J]
Survivors UK for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men [K]
Voicing CSA group [L] helps arrange survivors meetings in your area
A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links [M]
ShatterBoys -“Male Survivors Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Inspiring change, Through Shared Experience Whilst Building Connections…Together We Can Heal” [N]


[1] 2017 Feb 9 You Tube George Webb Dyncorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 1 109.1
[2] 2017 Feb 9 You Tube George Webb Day 109 Dyncorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 2 109.2
[3] 2017 Feb 9 You Tube George Webb Day 109 DynCorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 3 109.3

[4] 2017 Feb 9 You Tube George Webb Day DynCorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 4 109.4

[5] 2017 Feb 9 You Tube George Webb Day 109 DynCorp Harvest, Killing is Good Business Part 5 109.5

[6] 2017 Feb 9 You Tube George Webb Day 109 DynCorp Harvest, Killing Is Good Business, Part 6 109.6

[7] You Tube George Webb Channel

[8] 2017 Jan 24 Cathy Fox Blog Puppetmasters of Child Sexual Abuse – Le Cercle, Gladio, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei Networks

[9] 2017 Feb 9 Whitehouse Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking

[10] 2017 Feb 9 You Tube Whitehouse President Trump Participates in the Swearing-In of the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions

[11] 2017 Feb 7 Reuters Haiti hotel police raid exposes child sex trafficking archive

[12] 2017 Feb 4 Cathy Fox blog Summary and Explanation of Pizzagate on Voat

[13] 2017 Feb 9 Deus Nexus Will New Attorney General Go After Political Pedophile Networks?

[A] Sanctuary for the Abused


[C] One in Four

[D] Havoca

[E] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post

[F] SurvivorsJustice Blog

[G] Jim Hopper Mindfulness

[H] Jim Hopper Meditation

[J] 2016 Jan 5 Hwaairfan blog An Indigenous Australian Approach to Healing Trauma

[K] Survivors UK website for victims and survivors of male rape or the sexual abuse of men and twitter

[L] Voicing CSA website – helps arrange survivors meetings in your area. Voicing CSA supports the IICSA and VSCP and works to help adult survivors of child sexual abuse find their voice

[M] A Prescription for me blog Various emotional support links

[N] ShatterBoys -“Male Survivors Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Inspiring change, Through Shared Experience Whilst Building Connections…Together We Can Heal”. blog – email – facebook – twitter – @Shatter_Boys_UK

This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected or you wish to write to me please email quoting the article title

the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke

“He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Charles Peguy

To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Every time we act in the face of fear, we dilute it’s power and increase our confidence – via Gary Havener

Only the small secrets need to be protected, the large ones are kept secret by public incredulity – Marshall McLuhan


Fantastic summary. I see you have been putting in a lot of research. I must add though: I putting my money on the people, not the president..

The officials tend to give the public just a few arrests (relative to the situation) and they are slow to do it.. It is the public that drives this investigation. We are going to systematically replace these centralized organizations with free market solutions but to do that the public needs to keep going in that direction. So it is important we don't delegate any of this work to central authorities.

It is the public that are driving the investigation , but we can not do much by ourselves. Neoliberal economic freemarket solutions have brought about much trafficking. Even Soros said we are in need of rules to stop the free market going out of control

This is so horrific. I can't even comprehend some of the things that go on in this world. I worry about the children so much! :(

It certainly is, that is why we need to do something about it.

Excellent work! Upvoted & Followed. I've been investigating as well and will hopefully add another link to the puzzle today I think has been overlooked. This keeps getting bigger & bigger. Like Mr. Webb, I stumbled across this while investigating the Clinton Foundation.

Thanks, look forward to your piece of the jigsaw

We are at war.
Trying to pretend otherwise doesn't change that, but it is dangerously close to choosing a side by being an accomplice.

We certainly need to get as many people as possible informed and active