I've done it too and I got banned after 1 minute.

However the message says automated behaviour so it might be some kind of bot censorship, instead of pizzagate censorship.
Have you tried to verify your phone number?
I created another account and asked the same question in a slightly different way, I got no ban at the moment.

I confirm the new account is still active. So I think this censorship is really just about reducing bot spamming. If you search twitter you fill find lots of posts about Podesta and #pizzagate.
Thats interesting - so they only censor that particular question?
I think so! I also think they allow you to write that question if you confirm you're not a bot, by verifying your phone number.
Oh ok, that makes sense - Thanks for looking into it my friend!
Perhaps they did not censor you because you didnt mention Brian Podesta worked for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I may be wrong, but it's possible. It will need some more tests.
Let's see: https://twitter.com/pizzatest1984
Yep, still there. I guess you just have to change the order of the words and confirm the account.
Guess I have to make another account to find out.