more 'odd' language:
As infants, they don't use any carriers, and let the babies learn and explore their bodies. They serve organic, healthy, and tasty food. Even as infants, they have roles at the table, learning to scoop, and drinking out of real cups. They use positive, factual language about bodies.
He attended Childroots at the Ainsworth Annex for just two months. Soon after starting daycare, he was bit on the cheek. We understand this behavior occurs with some young children and while the incident upset us, and unsettled our son, we moved on and tried to let it go. However the biting continued and we asked Childroots what steps they were going to take to protect our child from future biting. In the end the response we received from Childroots is that toddlers bite and they believed this was a not a good place for us. Now, after 2 months at Childroots, he has been bit 4 times, twice on the cheek, once on the left temple and once on the nose. Nearly every week an incident has occurred although only two incidents were formally documented. When picking up our son, we've seen two other incidents of children being bit in person.
Thank you @bitcoinnational Good observations! Bitten 4 times as documented yet weekly biting indicates severe problems at the day care center. Shocking they refuse to oust the biter yet let the normal child leave.
I also didn't like the "explore their bodies" wording. Very worrying in view of their connections.
Someone needs to investigate this day care. I just keep thinking about the McMartin day care center where they were trafficking kids in the community and doing Satanic rituals.
Yes I agree. All we can do is report suspicious stuff and put it out there. One hopes the local parents/community will call for an investigation.
Most of us know that if a child is acting out by biting other kids that someone should investigate.
Oregon authorities should investigate Childroots.