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RE: Fuckery afoot ? Research VM wiped (x3) + Facebook disabled my account and wants government ID.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

I see you and raise you as a comparable Neanderthal Woman in my own right. I haven't been engaged on Facebook for over a year now because of the infiltration of child abuse survivor groups and other nasty stuff I was seeing and experiencing. My account is still there but I will not go back.


I check in once or twice a day to keep up with friends...But I'm sick of "pray for Bob, he lost his phone and it had pictures of his cat on it" Not to mention the "survivor groups" I had someone threaten to unfriend me if I didn't cut & pste something about cancer survivors...Mass Insanity!!!

I totally agree, it is mass insanity. What I call #ProjectChaos has been fully implemented and is apparently going very well according to plan.

Here's some more evidence (as if there's not enough already)