EasyDex Photography Challenge Post #21 "Rule Of Odds" "Tang"

in #pixel6 years ago

3 oranges finale.png
@johnskotts "Tang"

EasyDex Photography Challenge Post #21 "Rule Of Odds"

@boyerobert Contest Here


To another @boyerobert Photo Challenge #21 "Rule of Odds" It was a great learning experience for me here, I used my new photoshop program and I learned, how to merge two images, as you can see, the original colour to the tangerines and the base board in "Black & White" Love it, love the leaning...

Love it, love the leaning...


For this image I used my, again, iPhone 8 PLUS, the picture was in a "Portrait Photo" and "Colour". Also my new Photoshop "Pixelmator" I kept it simple and clean...Colour and Black & White, exact images merged...

I kept it simple and clean...Colour and Black & White


Worked on a few images here, but I chose this for the contrast in colour, I do hope you enjoy, and thank you for stopping by...

Contest # 21
@boyerobert Contest

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