EasyDex Photography Challenge Post #20 "Black & White" "I AM BOYER"

in #pixel6 years ago

@johnskotts I AM BOYER

EasyDex Photography Challenge Post #20 "Black & White"

@boyerobert Contest Here


To another @boyerobert Photo Challenge #20 "Black & White" This will be my 12th entry, This one was interesting for me, I recently acquired PS Express, App for iPhone which I will Include the link Here It's an Adobe Photoshop App, that gave me this new look that I achieved here...


For this image I used my, again, iPhone 8 PLUS, the picture was in a "Portrait Photo" and "Colour". First thing I did was edited my picture in Mono Chrome, then set it in the PS Express App, to Black & White, (please note I do adjust several things here, contrast, dark point and saturations, all these features are in the edit) from there I gave it a Vintage look, Which I played with the RGB, to give it a painted effect, as well I did layer it with a a few colours to achieve this look...still learning here, so trial and error is the way to go here. As long as you are putting in the effort to try out a few techniques here. You'll will enjoy the success, you are looking for. I know I am...The more I am experimenting here, the more I'm learning...doesn't make it easier for sure. It creates a challenge to better my photography here. And I'm Loving it all the way... and I do have to thank again @boyerobert and of course @hetty-rowans as well...I will Also include the image I did start with so you can see where I went with it...

The more I am experimenting here, the more I'm learning...

Starting Point Image



Is @boyerobert, he is truly a friend and a inspiration to me, and all who get to know him. I decided on this image to use because I took it without him knowing, we did spend an evening together, just to catch up on life. As busy as he is with work, life, and here, he always make time and effort for me. I do appreciate it, as well we do have our laughs together...it's our way of just being boys again. I also want to thank him, for always pushing me into Photography, as always I should of listen to him earlier, he was right...I will love it, and I do...now all we have to do is turn it into a business...I know we will achieve this as well.

I also want to thank him, for always pushing me into Photography,

Contest # 20

@boyerobert Contest

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Very cool and intense portrait! I like the unusual perspective. Have a great day :)