
lol - PIVX.... I still have no clue what it even is (what is not representative of course). But there you see clearly we are in a huge bubble :)

I met the guys at the RED PILL EXPO, its the only cryptocurrency that can be sent from computer to computer wallets without using a blockchain. NOBODY can see or steal it. $300 is coming they state, easliy..

hmmm - well... will the normal guy need it? Simply no - if then some banks use the protocol in their private blockchains like ETH today. When there will be some bad news they even don`t use the word Ethereum any more like it happened with Bitcoin at Silk Road.

In fact the "average Joe" even don`t get why the human or web need blockchain security. So all is pure speculation driven, like most cryptos - no private person ever will need a dedicated protocol.

Sure the average guy will use it. Why should the government or BANK take a portion of your money? Can't be more secure then in your POCKET!

no he will not - welcome to crypto world where people who can not code and read code invest in any bs available :)

Crypto is a niche, even no market.... you must understand all that in fact you even could not full-fill some orders for small funds when they asked a few monthes ago.

We are so in beta at Bitcoin, stupid to think that protocols (even poor coded ETH) are nowadays the red pill. For that the ecosystem must grow another 10 years minimum. It is just hardcore to see people learned nothing from the DAO and lock again 100s Mio in poor coded smart contracts in poor coded network... the largest bounties ever.

And trust me, I am in that shit all since 2012 - lol.

Well, you're wrong on that one, I met the billionaires at the RED Pill EXPO THAT WILL BLOW OUR $50 THINKING AWAY to the wind..One guy is making $225 MILLION A DAY. He is richer then Bill Gates and Warren Buffet combined. I spent an hour with him and he showed me his WALLET. These people are way out of your league..You're an investor these people are the crypto owners..

omg - the billionaires.... well great I got in so early in that crypto-area I must not visit any red pill expo any more (lol).