Unlocking your wallet for staking is very easy. You'll find on the web that all you have to do is execute this command pivx-cli walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout> <anonimize>
. It is the right command. However, there is a problem, your passphrase will be recorded in the shell history after you execute it. Nobody wants their wallet passphrase recorded with clear text anywhere.
Of course there are ways to clean up the shell history. But, you don't have to deal with that problem if the passphrase is never put in the shell history to begin with. For that, I use the script below. Once you execute it you'll be prompted for the passphrase in a secure way; i.e. read -s -p
# pivx-cli docs:
# https://pivx.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/30000020865-debug-console-command-line
set -e
read -s -p 'wallet passphrase: ' passphrase
timeout=999999999 #300 years
./pivx-cli walletpassphrase $passphrase $timeout $anonymizeonly
exit 0
I prefer to do it with a script like this because I don't have to type in again the rest of the arguments that I know won't be changing (timeout and anonymize).
Usage example:
wallet passphrase:
Another good thing is that the characters won't be shown as you type them.
now here https://github.com/givanse/pivx-helpers/blob/master/bin/unlock-for-staking.sh