Execute this once~/.pivx/pivx-cli getbalance > ~/.pivx/balance
. Then, add the alias below to ~/.bash_aliases
alias pivx-minted='pivx-minted'
function pivx-minted() {
prev=`head -n 1 $HOME/.pivx/balance`;
curr=`$HOME/.pivx/pivx-cli getbalance`;
echo $curr > $HOME/.pivx/balance;
new=$(bc <<< $curr-$prev);
echo 'current: '$curr;
echo ' last: '$prev;
echo " new: $new";
Load the new alias with source ~/.bash_aliases
. Usage example:
current: 102.49170039
last: 100
new: 2.49170039
It tells you how many coins were minted since the last time you checked. If you immediately check again the result will be zero until new coins are minted.
now here https://github.com/givanse/pivx-helpers/blob/master/bin/pivx-minted.sh