MCM Shirts for sale and Pittsburgh City Paper to debut #EULOGY?

If you're taking the time to read this blog then you are one cool mofo and you're probably interested in what I got going on. As you know I've been promoting the upcoming release, #EULOGY and now I got one hell of an announcement to make...

On Monday May 21st 2018 it will debut on for MP3 Monday!

City Paper Release Image.jpg

You're finding out first through this blog but I will announce it on social media Monday May 14th, a little under 12 hours from now.

Also, you asked and I made it happen but only have a limited run of MCM "Love Life, Live Rich" shirts! My goal is to sell 50 so I hope you can help me hit that target. They're also BUY 3 GET 1 FREE if you wanted to buy in bulk for your family or throw in with friends. Just visit my website at


You can also still pre-order #EULOGY on iTunes and that is also on the same page as the shirts.

It's only 7 days away till I release arguably my most ambitious project into the world and I look forward to having your support sharing it and pushing it out.

Thank You for always being supportive.

Talk Soon,

Mike Hitt