Pittosporum undulatum (Victorian Box) - A large shrub or medium sized tree that can reach to 30-40 feet tall or more with a pyramidal shape but is most often seen maintained as a much lower screen or hedge plant.
Attractive dark green leaves have very wavy margins and the fragrant cream-white flowers bloom in profusion in the early spring. Following bloom, small orange berries are produced, which can be a nuisance but also attract birds. Plant in sun or part shade and give deep and infrequent watering – older plants are quite drought tolerant. Established plants hardy to at least 18° F.
This is an extremely useful plant as a large attractive hedge and windbreak. We have been told that warblers and mockingbirds are attracted to the fruit and Anna's Hummingbirds to the nectar of the flowers. We have some of the largest trees in Santa Barbara in our nursery back parking lot (over 50 feet tall) - if you haven't seen this common hedge plant as a large tree take a look at these big specimens – even some Australians have been amazed! This plant, native to subtropical rainforests and an understory plant in Eucalyptus forests in New South Wales Australia, is considered by some to be invasive into riparian habitats in California and those that have it in their gardens know it does occasionally reseed in gardens.
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