Sponsored by @mahdiyari and @dsound

Objective of the contest:
We want the entire musical branch to be in only one place. Are you a singer? This is the perfect place. You make rap? come and participate. Are you an instrument performer? You are perfect for this contest. We do not want to leave anyone out.
Show us what you can do, win 1st place and take the vote of @TimCliff and @thecryptodrive
What we look for in this contest:
You can be original if you wish, or you can interpret a song already created, what is sought in this contest is the passion with which you make your presentation, be the most successful in the notes, captivate with your interpretation and of course have fun with this. It does not matter if you record it from a cell phone or from an HD camera, it does not matter if you use the same cell phone microphone or a Neuman U87 microphone, the important thing is your presentation.
It is very easy to compete:
- Record your song with any video device
- Upload to YouTube or dtube
- Create a post with the title "PitchPerfect Week #27 "song"
- Example: "Pitchperfect Week #27 - Beat it (cover)" *
- Vote and reestimate this post (it is important)
- The first label or tag will be "pitchperfect"
- The video must include your username, you can mention it or place it in the video
- You can choose any song you like, you can only sing or just play, it depends on you
- If you'll use dtube, please paste a link from youtube too
- You can be a soloist, duo or a group of 100 people if you wish
- The entries made after the official post of the contest will be taken into account
- Until Friday they have the chance to publish their post
- @thecryptodrive and @TimCliff will give their vote to 1st place
@dsound and @thecryptodrive will be voting the official contest post
__ Attention: When you publish please leave it in the comments of this post, so I will not overlook any and so those who will give the prize will be able to vote (it is very important that you leave your post in the comment)__
The MONDAY days of each week will be launched this post with its respective enumeration... On SATURDAY the contest will close... PLEASE post your posts after the official post of MONDAY... This gives the Witness a chance to vote.
Continue supporting this contest, How can you do it ?, Please Vote and Reestime this post and Vote also to the witnesses that contribute in this contest. Go to this link https://steemit.com/~witnesses and vote on the list at @timcliff, @thecryptodrive, @mahdiyari and @prc

Dsound Community Initiative

Hola acá el enlace de mi participación para la semana 27. Saludos a todos y mucha suerte.
One of the sweetest videos I have watched on Steemit.
Thank you for sharing!
A continuación mi entrada! @alejandra23 ya coloque el link de youtube, perdon pero no me habia dado cuenta jejeje!! Saludos bella. https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@yetxuni/51xw7dzvtranquila es q m cuesta mucho reproducir el vídeo en dtube.. <3
saludos aqui les dejo mi participacion de esta semana espero les guste https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@carlosfbass/steemit-pitch-perfect-week-27-piensa-en-mi-cover-by-carlosfbassesta es mi entrada en la semana 27 interpretando DIGALE de DAVID BISBAL
excelente color de voz, felicitaciones
Esta es mi contribución al concurso pitchperfect de esta semana.
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@donatello/pitchperfect-week-27-bamboleo-by-gipsy-kings-cover-by-donatello.This song is originally performed by the great singer Felipe Pirela, with nothing more to add, hoping that you like my participation this week and thanking all the sponsors of this event for this great initiative; Here is my link:
Hola a Todos! Esta es nuestra entrada para esta semana
¡Hola! Volví. Saludos a todos por aquí. Espero que todos tengan buenas participaciones, porque ésta me gusta mucho Jajajajaj No, en serio, esta canción es seria. Ojalá la escuchen y les guste. ¡Nos vemos!
excelente como siempre
Gracias, @carlosfbass. Saludos.
Hello everyone, my entry
Hola, Aca mi participacion...
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@paomota/pitch-perfect-week-27-apure-en-un-viajeHola gente hermosa, esta es mi entrada para esta semana, espero les guste
PitchPerfect Week # 27 - No me queda más(Cover) @victoria15:https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@heatherthebard/pitchperfect-27-country-roads-by-john-denver-cover
Happy to be back this week! 💕
Saludos para todos y todas, aquí les dejo mi entrada al concurso de esta semana lml Bendiciones!
Mi participacion amiga @alejandra23 https://steemit.com/pitchperfec/@dailafuentes/1zpz8uf7https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@eugelys/pitchperfect-week-27-cuan-lejos-voy-moana-cover-by-eugelys
¡Hola! Por aquí les dejo mi entrada para esta semana. ¡Saludos!
Wow I'm hosting a similar contest as well but is it alright if I join this one? For the sake of spreading music. Hehe.
Yes you can.. join us <3
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@nortedelsur/tf9uu3r0 Hello, this is our first entry for this contest, thank you very much for this opportunity.
Siempre me tomo un tiempo de mi dia para admirar cada video de todos los que participan, y de verdad me agrada ver como cada uno de ellos con muchos o pocos recursos para hacer un video postean como pueden y se nota en sus caras el deseo de mejorar cada dia. Steemit es para mi una experiencia super increible porque me ha permitida crecer en muchos aspectos y me ha hecho aprovechar el tiempo libre en algo productivo y positivo para mi vida. Exito a todos ustedes amigos, les mando besos y abrazos, y nunca pero nunca dejen de soñar <3
¡Hola @marianvitz! me identifico mucho con tus palabras, realmente esta es una gran experiencia de vida. Te reta para mejorar, te vas olvidando de las excusas y simplemente te concentras en crear dentro de tus limitaciones y procuras mejorar cada día :) ¡Saludos!
saludos amigos aqui está mi entrada
Hola @alejrandra23 aquí dejo nuevamente mi entrada pra la semana 27, no me habia dado cuenta que tenia la etiqueta y ya no pude borrar la publicacion. Espero tomes esto en cocideracion y tomes esta entrada como valida... espero tu respuesta, https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@dailafuentes/pitchperfect-semana-27-como-la-flor-cover-cubierto-por-dailafuentes
Hey! Esta es mi entrada!