Sponsored by @TimCliff, @MahdiYari, @prc, @smacommunity, @moisesmcardona, @betamusic, @nainaztengra and @jatinhota

Objective of the contest:
We want the entire musical branch to be in only one place. Are you a singer? This is the perfect place. You make rap? come and participate. Are you an instrument performer? You are perfect for this contest. We do not want to leave anyone out.
Show us what you can do, win 1st place and take the vote of @TimCliff and @moisesmcardona
What we look for in this contest:
You can be original if you wish, or you can interpret a song already created, what is sought in this contest is the passion with which you make your presentation, be the most successful in the notes, captivate with your interpretation and of course have fun with this. It does not matter if you record it from a cell phone or from an HD camera, it does not matter if you use the same cell phone microphone or a Neuman U87 microphone, the important thing is your presentation.
It is very easy to compete:
- Record your song with any video device
- Upload to YouTube or dtube
- Create a post with the title "PitchPerfect Week #16 "song"
- Example: "Pitchperfect Week #16 - Beat it (cover)" *
- Vote and reestimate this post (it is important)
- The first label or tag will be "pitchperfect"
- The video must include your username, you can mention it or place it in the video
- You can choose any song you like, you can only sing or just play, it depends on you
- You can be a soloist, duo or a group of 100 people if you wish
- The entries made after the official post of the contest will be taken into account
- Until Friday they have the chance to publish their post
- @Moisesmcardona and @TimCliff will give their vote to 1st place
@nainaztengra, dsound and @betamusic will be voting the official contest post
__ Attention: When you publish please leave it in the comments of this post, so I will not overlook any and so those who will give the prize will be able to vote (it is very important that you leave your post in the comment)__
The MONDAY days of each week will be launched this post with its respective enumeration... On Saturday the contest will close... PLEASE post your posts after the official post of MONDAY... This gives the Witness a chance to vote.
Continue supporting this contest, How can you do it ?, Please Vote and Reestime this post and Vote also to the witnesses that contribute in this contest. Go to this link https://steemit.com/~witnesses and vote on the list at @timcliff y @prc
For @mahdiyari, @moisesmcardona and @jatinhota you just have to go to the bottom of the link

Dsound Community Initiative

Saludos, Ale. Tenía tiempo sin poder hacer algo para compartir por aquí. Salí por ahí a filmar, y madrugando resultó esto Jaja Le puse una vocecita por ahí con el celular... Espero que les guste. Abrazos.
Cónchale, gracias. Qué fino. Está bien el video, ¿no? Jeje... Saludos.
jajaj fino fino!!
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@edmundocentenor/pitchperfect-semana-16-edmundocentenor-si-de-noche-ves-que-brillan-recopilacion-vicente-emilio-sojo Hola por aca les dejo mi participacion de esta semana, con mucho cariño, espero sea de su agrado. parte del texto de la vida del Maestro sojo fue tomado de https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/sojo.htm.
grande maestro!!
Buenos días querida comunidad de músicos y gente talentosa de la plataforma steemit en especial a los de la familia de pitchperfect, esta semana con una versión instruemental de una "Quirpa " joropo nacional con arreglos para cuatro en la tonalidad de sol mayor (G). https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@gaborockstar/pitchperfect-week-16-quirpa-musica-del-folcklore-nacional-por-gaborockstar
Gracias amigo @melor9...
saludos @alejandra23 aquí les dejo mi participación de esta semana https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@carlosfbass/pitchperfect-week-16-bendita-madre-cover-tributo-a-las-madresbuenisimo hermano!!! un abrazo
Hey guys this is my entry! hola amigos esta es mi entrada!
very good!
Graacias! :)
Saludos mis queridos amigos por aqui les dejo mi participacion de esta semana suerte para todos...
muy bien!
Aquí mi canción original "Retornar"
felicidades!gran tema
exitos para ti!Muchas gracias @melor9 por tomarte el tiempo para disfrutar de mi tema!!
Hola a toda la comunidad de pitchperfect por aquí les dejo mi primera presentación espero que les guste. :)
saludos a todos, por aquí les dejo mi entrada de esta semana espero que les guste, y suerte para todos.
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@danieldedosd2/pitchperfect-week-16-danieldedosd2-cover-escribemefelicidades maestro!!
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@melor9/pitchperfect-semana-16-anhelante-coverMuy buena su presentación. Felicitaciones, me gusta mucho esa canción.
gracias gracias!!!
Here is some classical ukulele this week! 🙃
very good!
Thank you!
Holaaa @alejandra23 aquí te dejo mi primera participación en este concurso en su semana # 16 ¡Que lo disfrutes!
Hola amigos, por aquí dejo mi entrada.
buena propuesta, felicitaciones!
Hi! I am a robot. I just upvoted you! Readers might be interested in similar content by the same author:
Excelente @alejandra23, saludos.
Hooola a todos!!! acá les dejo mi entrada!! muchos saludos
Hola!! por aca les dejo mi entrada saludos :) https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@genesis17/pitchperfect-week-16-cover-de-jueves-la-oreja-de-van-goghSaludos mi participación esta semana.
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@pedrogranado23/pitch-perfect-semana-16-high-rawayana-cover-pedrogranado23Hola aquí mi participación de esta semana..
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@origen1618/pitch-perfect-week-16-no-vaya-a-ser-coverHello. This is my participation for PitchPerfect Week #16:
I am using the pitch as a DJ too :) In my last post I've just started to promote original music but by mixing it in one new original dj mix. Maybe you want to take a look and tell me what do you think. Thanks!
Hola a todos! acá les dejo mi primera participación en pitchperfect! Espero que sea de su agrado, éxitos para todos! @alejandra23
Hello everyone! Here I leave you my first participation in pitchperfect! I hope that it is to your liking, successes for all! @alejandra23 https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@juliopalomo/pitchperfect-week-16-si-no-te-hubieras-ido-marco-antonio-solis-coverhttps://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@carloshernandez/carloshernandez-pitchperfect-week-16-win-votes-and-sbd-besame mucho
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@andreamaestre1/pitchperfect-week-16-camila-quedate-cover-by-andreamaestre1Esta es mi participación, hecha con grandes músicos de mi ciudad y con muchas ganas!
excelente muchachos!
Gracias hermano, gracias por el apoyo
Hola! Aqui esta mi participación de esta semana. Un cover dedicado a Avicii
espero que les guste https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@carlosvidal/pitchperfect-week-16-waiting-for-love-avicii-guitar-cover-fingerstylehola amigos, saludos aqui mi entrada al concurso
Saludos @alejandra23 por acá te dejo mi entrada de esta semana para este concurso. Muchas bendiciones para vos. Un abrazo! https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@mayneth/pitchperfect-week-16-tango-suiteAqui les dejo mi participacion de la semana se te quiere @alejandra23 https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@jesusmedit/pitchperfect-week-16-la-cancion-del-pirata-ii-tierra-santa-cover
hola amigos, por aqui les dejo mi entrada para esta semana, espero les guste y suerte para todos...
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@alejandra23/pitchperfect-week-16-win-votes-and-sbd-with-your-musical-ability-dsound-community-initiative¡Muy buenas noches! Disculpen la demora, acá les dejo mi entrada de esta semana. ¡Éxitos a todos!
hola amigos esta es mi entrada al concurso espero les agrade
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@cairos/pitchperfect-week-16-cover-el-amor-es-mas-grande-que-yo-cairosHola amigos espero disfruten de mi participación, saludos.
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@carlos1612/steemit-pitchperfect-semana-16-popurri-de-merengue-venezolano-guayaba-carmen-el-chivoHola a toda la comunidad! aquí va mi participación para esta semana junto a @vmps espero la disfruten ;)
Pitch Perfect Week #16 Half Human (Canción Original)
muy buena iniciativa, me encanta la diversidad, es muy importante disfrutar de ella y creo que en este PitchPerfect Week #16 hay variedad para todos los gustos.....
Hola alejandra, aqui está mi entrada para ésta semana. Saludos a todos los compañeros que estan participando. Exito.
https://steemit.com/pitchperfect/@alejandra23/pitchperfect-week-16-win-votes-and-sbd-with-your-musical-ability-dsound-community-initiativeI'm happy to tell you that I've chosen you for automatic upvotes as part of my new initiative "Jon Magnusson's favourite Steemians support".
This is because I personally has reviewed your content and found it to be something I want to support and encourage and/or the work you do for the Steemit community.
If you believe that someone deserves my attention, please leave a comment with a link to some of their work.