“Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane – 15JA25- 'Seize or Kill!'

in #pirates2 months ago


⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵...(Tour of "High Island")...Continued...

[Last time...]

Able Seaman Trayan tied off the running line for the mainsail and walked over to Lupega, “The crew is buzzing Lupega! What’s going on?!”
“I don’t know Tray…but I've got a feeling we’re going to find out quick enough- look, Commander Kerrislravenhill is calling out names!”
"Oh, that’s never good!"
“Well, almost never!” (See: https://hive.blog/pirates/@joshuaslane/silver-adventures-captain-joshua-slane-13ja25-calling-out-names )

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[On La Serpent...]
Fard and Stank struggled to get the sail room door opened as they clutched their newly acquired, prized French muskets tightly with one arm.

“Bloody hell idiots!” Ripper yelled as he and Rank made their way down the corridor, “Get that damned door open! We’ve got company bearin’ down on us fast!”

With a final shove, the door swung open and the four men piled into the dark, musty room, tripping over rolls of sail cloth and strands of remnants.

“Now you blokes get down low! Cover yourselves up, and if I hear one word out of any of you- I’ll put a ball in yer chest meself!” Ripper said as he hid low in between two rolls of sail cloth and kicked the door shut!

[On the Silverton...main deck...]
Cockpit Officer Ironshield stood near the main mast; his arms folded. Next to him, Able Seaman Tamaralovelace helped Seaman Chadmichaellibby stow a heavy armful of muskets into the first longboat.

“Watch it wi' those guns seamen!” Lieutenant Trumpman barked as Ironshield saluted and walked over to him…


“Pirates oan th’ French Corvette Sairrr?!”


“That’s whit Ahh’m hearin’…” Trumpman replied as he watched the crew begin to lower the first longboat off the portside.

“Coods be radge. Who’s goin’?”
“Ahh don’t ken yit- Commander Kerrislravenhill is runnin' doon a list.”
Ironshield bit his lower lip as he pondered the thought…”Hoo mony pirates?”
“Nobody knows! Fact is, nobody knows hoo th' Keptin e'en knows thaur ur pirates oan La Serpent!”

Ironshield gazed up at the bridge. The ‘ole man’ was standing there alright, not moving a muscle, his eyes still locked on the distant Corvette.

“It’s uncanny hoo he reids things!” He said as he spat on the deck.
“Spooky is a better wuird fur it mucker, damn spooky!” Trumpman replied as he walked over to the portside rail and rattled an unfortunate young seaman...

“Git a move oan it Laddie- there’s nae time fur dwaddlin'!”

Suddenly the ships bell rang out three times and the voice of Commander Kerrislravenhill called for all ‘hands on deck’…
“Listen-up men! Th' followin' crew has bin chosen tae board th' French Corvette an' seize ur kill, onie an' aw pirates 'att may hav boarded 'er!


Commander Galligan will heid-up one longboat an' Ahh will heid th' other! Prepaur yer gear an' eat a light supper. We leave at loom o' morn tomorrows! ‘Att’s aw’!”


With that, the Commander folded up her list and tucked it into her jacket. Up on the bridge, the Captain gave an approving nod as he lit his pipe and stoked the bowl red-hot.
Night settled gently on the waters of the Great Lake Ontario as the sun disappeared behind the western tree line. The Captain stayed on the bridge alone for some time, taking an occasional slow drag on his pipe and letting out a deep blue cloud of smoke that quickly wafted over the dark waters like a wandering ghost.
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📝 Note: "If th' Toor o' High Islain' has caught yer intrest, all o' me stoatin' adventures kin be foond by searchin':

Silver Adventures of Captain Joshua Slane

Oan yer 'Hife Search tool' an' sae forth." 😉 -Keptin

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References: - Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, Hive.blog, Wikipedia an’ www.google.com/maps. Data also loosely interpretted froms: historica.fandom.com, Wikipedia, an' sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.

🐠 🐠 🐠 🐠

"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need tae gab with th' Keptin?- Skelp th' 'Reply' button muckers!" - Keptin


📝 "Remember maties, bein' crew oan th' mighty Frigate Silverton ⛵ is a sure cure fur loneliness! We sail together...ur nae at aw!" 🙌🏼🤝👲🏼🥷🏼👩🏼‍🍳👨🏼‍🔧👨🏼‍💼🧑🏼‍🎨🧕🏼🤵🏼‍♂️🤵🏼‍♂️🦹🏼💁🏼🙋🏼‍♀️👩🏼‍🍳🤴🏼👮🏼‍♂️💂🏼‍♂️🕵🏼👨🏼‍⚕️ 😉 -Keptin



Ah, Keptin! Ah doo love an adventure...me gear be ready and so'm I

Lovely to see ye @tamaralovelace ,

Guid to see your name on the Commander's list!

Happy to hear you are ready and so'm I...serious business ahead.

To be continued...

Interesting Keptin....what a spell binding tale....the details, the spoken and unspoken dialogues....quite lovely writing....thank you!

These pirates are in for a surprise and I hope an end to their miserable lives...we will see how it goes.


SO Bleujay 🫡

"Mony thenks SO...jist keepin' me ship's log!" 😉 -Keptin

Our commander has an arsenal and will carry something else in his jacket, so let's receive orders and finish off the stowaways or pirates, let them respect us.

Indeed Able Seaman @lupega ...well said!

Give me a minute to pick a few more things to tuck into my jacket.
nunja hardware 3.jpg

"Blimey! Ye ur prepaured Commander!" 😉 -Keptin

hahaha, The commander is more than prepared hahaha

"Ahh ain'ts survived this lang with jus me wits."

Good arsenal, we will finish off the stowaways or pirates.
At your service, my commander

So glad to be at the top of the list... let's go! !BBH

good luck for the crew!
& let's not stay far away ;)

Ready to execute orders