The subconscious mind

in #piotr4 years ago


Greetings to the entire community of PH, I hope you are well and enjoy good health, this time we will talk about one of the principles that most draws the attention of Mr. Napoleon Hill, this principle is the "subconscious mind", I hope you like this series of summaries of this wonderful book also I invite you to leave a comment and if you like the article you can leave a positive vote, "you're ready" let's start.

for the author the subconscious mind is a field of consciousness in which all the impulses of thoughts that reach the conscious mind through any of the five senses are classified, in the subconscious mind can be used to add or remove any impulse of thought as who takes letters from a file cabinet, the mind is so powerful that you can plant any stimulus that helps us to achieve an objective or a specific goal, no doubt it is a powerful tool.

for the subconscious mind there is no time, a person can work for 40 years and not achieve what a person with the help of the subconscious mind achieves in one year, that is where the author proposes to use this force to deliver a plan and with the help of stimuli we can achieve the goals, another of the qualities of the subconscious mind is that she first acts on the dominant thoughts, be careful what you think constantly as your mind could be developing a plan to make it happen regardless of whether it is good or bad for you.

One of the great benefits of harnessing the power of the subconscious mind is that you can consciously access one of the greatest forces of nature, it is said that if you give your subconscious mind a goal and surround yourself with positive stimuli the subconscious mind will find the fastest way from where you are to where you want to go, the mind will work tirelessly to develop a plan of action that will lead you to achieve your goals.

in conclusion if you know what you want and you have the necessary faith to believe that you already own that goal the subconscious mind will work tirelessly to develop a plan of action that will lead you to the achievement of your goal, on the other hand the stimulus to take into account is the visualisation or repetition of affirmations that help you to remember as long as possible your goals.

created by:@trabajosdelsiglo

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