analysing the competition

in #piotr3 years ago


Greetings to the PH community, in this article we will continue exploring a series of free tools that help us to establish an online business, as a couple of days ago I decided to start an online business and as I get into the world of ecommerce I realize that there are many tools that are free and help us to lay the foundations of our business. As I will validate them I will make a summary of the potential of each one of them so that the members of this community can take advantage of them, I hope you like them and you can leave a valuable comment.

One of the most time consuming things when starting a business on the web, is not knowing what your competition is and the tools your competition uses, that's why this tool is so valuable, not to mention totally free, the web is called "similarweb".

is a website that can analyse other websites and give you details so you can easily analyse and copy them, another thing I like about this website is that you can download it as an extension for your browser, it is definitely a tool worth gold.

step one:
go to the web address my recommendation is that you register as this will allow you to save your searches, not to mention that you can access other tools so it is best to register and download the extension to your browser as well


Step two:
when you are registered, the next step is to look for a website that does the same job you want to implement or one that does the same thing your website will do in the future, the importance of knowing who your competition is cannot be left aside because to know who your competition is you have to know in detail what your website does and what your target audience is. without being clear about this you can think that your competition is another and therefore waste time on strategies that do not work, now that you have clarity on your competition copy the address and place it in the similar web search engine.

similar web.jpg

now with this data you can see the amount of people visiting the website, the amount of organic search they have, and the bounce rate, the average time they spend on the web among other things that you can take advantage of, with this information you can see if your competition is really applying strategies that work and if they are making the conversion from visitor to customer effectively, because many websites seem to be successful, but when you review them, you realize that it is not growing or that sales on that site is good if so you should discard it as competition as quickly as possible and look for another that if this having success to emulate their strategies, I hope you like the tool and if you have a tool that you use to analyze the traffic of a web leave the link in the comments