And we continue with our interesting series about the history of the occult, such an exciting world of black magic, paganism, and its protagonists and influence that they have had in the world.
Without more to say let's get started:
The son of a writer of saints traveled to learn. The priests of Egypt initiated him into his mysteries, the Chaldean magicians communicated his sciences to her, and the sages of Crete his enlightenment.
I bring to Samos all that the most educated peoples possessed useful wisdom and knowledge; but finding his country under the yoke of the tyrant Polycrates, go to Crotona, where to choose a chair of philosophy at the home of the famous athlete Milón.
This happened in the time of Tarquin the Proud.
He taught morals, arithmetic, geometry and music, and is made the inventor of metempsychosis.
His eloquence must be most powerful, since his exhortations induced the inhabitants of Croton, v submissive in debauchery, to renounce its diluted customs and to live by the rules of virtue.
He even obtained from the ladies that he discarded in their beautiful suits and attire to dress with exemplary simplicity.
He achieved the most difficult things for his disciples to practice since he subjected him to a novitiate of silence that lasted at least two years, and that it was extended up to 5 to the individuals that it recognized as more willing to speak.
One of his main cares was to correct the abuses that in his time were committed in marriage.
It seems that to expand the empire that the spirits exerted not of genius in resorting to the use of prestige, to the greater advantage of their knowledge and enlightenment.
Porfirio and Jabinco attributed miracles to him that made himself heard and he can even be one of the most terrible beasts.
Finally, he made sure that he predicted the future, appeased the storms, dispelled the plague and cured diseases with a word and with a single simple touch.
Porte (J.B.)
Gentle Neapolitan man, famous physicist born in 1881, well known for his application to fine letters and science.
He held assemblies of scholars in his home dealing with all the singularities of experimental physics.
At the age of 15 he composed the first books of his "natural magic".
Porte believed in judicial astrology and in the power of spirits.
He died in 1751 at the age of 70.
Eastern philosophers, botanists, and astrologers have Solomon for their patron.
They call him "Soliman".
According to them, God endowed him with wisdom, communicating to him at the same time all the natural and supernatural secrets,and among the latter, the most sublime and most useful science: that of evoking spirits and geniuses and commanding them.
Solomon, they say, had a ring with a talisman that gave him absolute power over these intermediaries between God and men.
This ring still exists and the one who managed to possess it will be the owner of the world but it is unknown where it is and only formulas, practices, figures remain, by which it can be acquired.though imperfectly a part of the power that Solomon had over spirits.
Such a precious secret has been preserved in the books that remain of this prince and especially in his priceless "Clavicles".
The oldest of the Kabbalists.
The Persians honored him as their great prophet.
Attribute to him the composition of the sacred books of which the Persians have only preserved some fragments in the "Avesta".
According to some, he was the inventor of magic.
A contemporary of Nino king of Assyria, Zoroaster also occupied a throne: that of Bactriana.
And it has been the installment of today, hoping that you have enjoyed it as much as I did researching about these characters.
Wait for the next post where I will be talking about excerpt from some very rare books of cabalistic and natural magic.
So from the next post we are going to delve a lot into the subject and we will deal with information very sensitive and creepy.
¡See you in my next post!

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