Greetings PH family, in the adventure of writing post constantly I met Michael Burry, the economic genius who predicted the real estate crisis of 2009 and earned millions of dollars, this feat is explained in the movie the Big Short where Burry is played by Cristian Bale the same who played Batman.
Michael Burry predicted a fall in the stock market, it was not that he said something like that, it was really a prediction of the fall and if we analyze at this moment the S&P500 has fallen 21% since the beginning of the year, the problem is that Blurry predicts a fall of 50%.
Mr. Burry is predicting a future recession in the United States of America, he has given his opinion and is considered the Nostradamus of the economy, he has predicted several times what happened but normally his predictions take 1 or 2 years to happen.
Michael Burry predicted the inflation crisis in 2020 but it came in 2021 and it was not until 2022 that the FED raised interest rates, we are talking that if the FED would have listened to Blurry things would be better.
He also made his famous short bet against bank mortgages for which he won $100 million personally and $1 billion for his investors in 2007 and it all happened in 2009.
He predicted that cryptocurrencies would fall in 2021 and it is something that is happening, the problem is that his prediction is very serious, he predicts the biggest bubble in the history of the stock market and the economy in general.
The last thing that was known about Burry is that he deleted his twitter account, those who defend him say that he is persecuted by the government, it is true that the FED started an investigation against him, for some Tweets that in the end turned out to be right.
I think we should be aware of the market, Mr. Burry is not someone to take lightly, maybe the worst has not happened so if you have volatile assets such as cryptocurrencies try to have an active stop loss.
Thank you for reading

Comrade! a Bolivarian greeting... here I am trying to write in English, I'm not very good... I like to see that you continue with your revolutionary spirit surrounding yourself with Bolivarian people like those of Proyecto Hope. We Chavistas have to surround ourselves with people of our level. That's how I like it and make this post copying from internet news to cultivate and squeeze this platform.
A Bolivarian hug
until victory always my comrade Rondon