
That in the short/medium term the world will be plagued by robots is already a fact that few dare to doubt, and I am not only referring to humanoid robots but to all kinds of intelligent gadgets, from cars to toasters. And from now on, police robots like those developed in China to ensure the safety of its citizens.
Que a corto/medio plazo el mundo estará plagado de robots creo ya es un hecho que pocos se atreven a dudar y no solo me refiero a los robots humanoides sino a todo tipo de artilugios inteligentes, desde autos hasta hasta tostadoras. Y a partir de ahora robots policía como los que han desarrollado en China para velar por la seguridad de sus ciudadanos.
Recently, the Chinese company Logon Technology has presented an innovative police robot called RT-G, designed to assist in security tasks and fight crime. Unlike traditional humanoid robots, this robot has a spherical shape that allows it to move quickly both on land and in water.
Recientemente, la empresa china Logon Technology ha presentado un innovador robot policía denominado RT-G, diseñado para asistir en tareas de seguridad y combatir el crimen. A diferencia de los robots humanoides tradicionales, este robot tiene una forma esférica que le permite moverse de manera ágil tanto en tierra como en el agua.

On land, the RT-G moves by rolling thanks to its spherical shape, while when it is on the water it deploys a system of propellers that allows it to navigate efficiently. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 35 km/h and accelerating quickly and has a variety of sensors and cameras that allow it to identify and track targets, making it easier to pursue criminals effectively.
En tierra el RT-G se mueve rodando gracias a su forma esférica, mientras que cuando va por el agua despliega un sistema de hélices que le permite navegar eficientemente. Es capaz de alcanzar velocidades de hasta 35 km/h y acelerar rápidamente y cuenta con una variedad de sensores y cámaras que le permiten identificar y rastrear objetivos lo que facilita la tarea de perseguir a los delincuentes de manera efectiva.
The robot is powered by artificial intelligence, which allows it to make autonomous decisions during chases and confrontations. In addition, it is equipped with a kind of net that it uses to immobilize criminals, whom it can pursue thanks to its speed and agility, through different terrains and urban environments. Once it reaches the target, it uses its net to immobilize it.
El robot funciona con inteligencia artificial, lo que le permite tomar decisiones autónomas durante las persecuciones y enfrentamientos. Además, está equipado con una especie de red que utiliza para inmovilizar a los criminales, a los que puede perseguir gracias a su velocidad y agilidad, a través de diferentes terrenos y entornos urbanos. Una vez que alcanza al objetivo, utiliza su red para inmovilizarlo.

The development of police robots with artificial intelligence represents a significant technological advancement with the potential to transform the way crime is fought. However, it is essential to address the ethical and social implications of this technology to ensure that it is used responsibly and beneficially for society.
El desarrollo de robots policiales con inteligencia artificial representa un avance tecnológico significativo con el potencial de transformar la forma en que se combate el crimen. Sin embargo, es fundamental abordar las implicaciones éticas y sociales de esta tecnología para garantizar que se utilice de manera responsable y beneficiosa para la sociedad.
Personally, beyond the fascination that technology may produce in me, I believe that these types of developments are very dangerous, not because of the device itself but because we do not all have the same definition of criminal and this, in the hands of governments, could be the end of our freedoms and end up in a world similar to Orwell's novel "1984."
Personalmente, mas allá de la fascinación que me pueda producir la tecnología, creo que este tipo de desarrollos son muy peligrosos, no por el aparato en sí sino porque no todos tenemos la misma definición de criminal y esto en manos de los gobiernos puede ser el fin de nuestras libertades y terminar en un mundo similar a la novela de Orwell "1984".
More information/Más información
The spherical police robot can catch criminals very efficiently and can guide itself and make decisions with AI. It is now a threat to criminals.
The problem is when this poses a threat to ordinary people. Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, said more or less: "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to be afraid of." But ask the Jews in Nazi Germany what they had to hide.
How interesting and controversial is the advance of artificial intelligence in life, greetings and good post!