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RE: Report All Category 1️⃣ #Ping Missions Here!

in #ping3 years ago

Hi @baninan!

Thank you so much for your interest in joining us for Operation #Ping. Unfortunately you have missed the SignUP window… but please follow along so that next time we host an engagement event you will be UP to speed!

I’ll have the Hive that you sent returned to you that way you are good to go next time!

Sound good? 🙂


Will better check nx time, my internet is under the weather due to the recent typhoon..

That’s what I figured might have happened! I’m so sorry you all are still in the middle of all that aftermath! You will be at the top of my list of people to #Ping when the next @Comet.Ranker engagement event happens! So sorry this didn’t happen my friend! 🙏

I was not able to send the Hive for the other hcbc members, I totally got lost track of time ughhhhh but more chances of winning for those who really made their way here, right? that shows a lot of commitment!

Ahhhh. This is unfortunate (twice in a row Gil!)... 😶

But you are right... This does give the current SignUP's more opportunities to win... But in my mind... We all win together! If we can get more people doing this at the same time... with every person that multiplies the fun everyone is having!

But yes!

Those who are currently SignedUP did show their initiative and commitment in doing so!

Perhaps next time the situation in the Philippines won't be as dire and you all will be able to join us!

I can always hope right!? 🙂