That power of kindness

in #pimplast year

We live in a world where everyone thinks about their own, for their own benefit and often this leads to being indifferent to the situations or needs of others; we are indolent in the face of so many deficiencies just because perhaps at the moment ours have been supplied, this is precisely what I consider: lack of kindness.

Kindness is one of the values ​​that, from my perspective, brings more joy to our lives since we will feel satisfied when we can act for the benefit of others, when we see the need and do something to remedy it, to the best of our ability.

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The Royal Spanish Academy defines kindness as the natural inclination to do good. Source From this definition we can understand that kindness drives us to do good to anyone who requires it at a given moment, and there are so many opportunities to do good: from giving advice, listening to those who need to vent, supplying some material need, among many others, it is enough to have the willingness to be kind to begin to see in any circumstance an opportunity to put this beautiful value into practice.

Jesus Christ himself is for us a great display of goodness since in his earthly ministry he was always inclined to do good to those who needed it: healing the sick, feeding people, comforting those who suffered; leaving for us that example through which we can show God's love to others.

Personally, I can say that throughout my life I have met many kind people who have reached out to me in moments of greatest difficulty, people who have not hesitated to spend their time listening to me, sometimes even crying with me. and even to get rid of some material good to satisfy my lack of the moment; I really value this type of people that God has placed in my path to show me his goodness and has made them instruments of that goodness. Through that example I have also tried to do good to everyone I can: from a simple kind gesture to actions of greater value that, I am sure, contribute to changing, even little by little, this selfish world in which we live. nowadays.

Practicing kindness has not gone out of fashion as many say; It is time to start rescuing all the good in which we have been taught and promote a change for our children and young people who are rising up and who will build tomorrow, since the training they receive today will determine the progress or failure of our society