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RE: Gnomeville's Mystery Part 7

in #pimp2 years ago

Thank you! For the support and kind words.

I had great fun writing my part. I knew it was going to include Gnomer from the very first :)

For the record: I do love the Mariposa Grove and Yosemite in general. For me it's a magical place. The Sequoias there aren't near as big as the ones at Sequoia National Park but the setting is special. I'm sitting here thinking about stopping in on my next trip by (in less than a month). Probably will happen...


You're most welcome! My pleasure. 😊

I loved the name Gnomer, it made me smile like a loon for some reason, not sure why, but it did. LOL! 😊

I've never been to Yosemite; I'm a Canadian and have only been to a few US cities, and I'm directionally/geographically challenged so I'm not even sure which state Yosemite is in if I'm being 100% honest. 😊

I love the look of trees, can't tell most of them from others, but enjoy them all the same. 😊

I'm glad you liked the name. When Snook first started this and I knew I had a part of it the name just came to me. After several weeks it was still with me :)

Yosemite is in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains in California. It was John Muir's favorite place. I can certainly see why. The top location for rock climbing (Half Dome and El Capitan) and nearly unbelievable scenery everyplace. It's a magical place.

Sequoia trees are big. Really, really big. Those in the picture (and in most of the Mariposa Grove) are smallish. General Grant and General Sherman in Sequoia NP are thought to be the two largest living things on earth. Those pictures you see of cars driving through holes in trees? Sequoias.

I did, it was the perfect name for a gnome, in my opinion, my favourite name, so far, from the series...I'll have to wait and see if anyone else comes up with a name that tops it, later. LOL! 😊

Sequoia's are beautiful, those commercials with the cars driving through are quite impressive, they are massive trees. 😊

There are a couple of tress that were felled, hollowed out, and people actually lived in them. I really wish I had the pictures.

That would be quite a site to see, people living inside hollowed out Sequoias, yep, a site to see indeed. 😊