There Is A New Game On The Blockchain! Piggericks - Pre Sales Is Now Open Until The 15th of July 2020!

in #piggericks5 years ago (edited)

Do you like fun-games?

Well, then this game might be made for you.
Even if you are vegan or a vegetarian ... throwing virtual pigs do not harm any animals.
Yes, it's about throwing pigs around, and depending on how they land you earn tokens called "Grunts".
Also, while playing your pigs can level up which makes them more valuable on the open market.

No, it's not as simple as it might sound

Every pig is unique and combining the right pigs is the key to success.


OK, let's start at the beginning

You now might have an idea what this game is about.
But there is so much more.
If you want to throw pigs you need some in the first place. How do you get pigs?

Well, this also answers the question if this game is totally free to play.
No, it isn't. You need to buy at least your first set of pigs to be able to play.
The next question is of course: how much is the fish pig?

If you participate in the pre-sales until 15.07.2020 you can buy them for very reasonable prices.
You can pay with HBD, Hive, ETH and DAI.


The pigs above you can buy with Level 1 status to start with. So with 1 USD, you are ready to go.
If you are convinced that this game is what you were looking for for years already you might want to step in at Level 6 (the highest level for special pre-sales offers) and pay 50 times the Level 1 prices.
Of course, there are offers also between levels 1 and 6.

Why are pigs with higher levels more expensive?

This brings us to the point what a higher level does, how you can reach it, and why the investment is pigs is reasonable.
As mentioned above already, your pigs can level up while playing. The higher the level, the higher the price you can sell them for on the market.
Imagine you invested one dollar and you can later sell it for 50-times the price!?!
This is, of course, no financial advice.

Let's get more into the details

You know already that after you bought some pigs and throw them around these pigs might get you some tokens called "Grunts" and they might level up.
But there is also strategy involved. As mentioned above, the pigs are different.
So you need to choose wisely which pigs you want to bring into play.

What are the different attributes of the pigs?

Left Belly: Since falling on bellies is not good for scores a high bar means a smaller belly.

Right Belly: Same deal for the right belly, bigger bars mean less chance to fall on this side

Razorback: is the size of the back of the pig, a bigger bar means it is more likely to fall on it.

Feet: If the underside of the Pig is larger, the chance to land on its feet is higher, which is good

Snout: Landing on the snout is rare, but more likely with a big nose

Ears: Very hard to do, yet pigs with big ears can fall on them every so often

You can see all these attributes for each pig on the card of the pig by hovering your mouse over the little sign right to the Appearance bar:


This pig has big feet, a big nose, and also big ears. It will be one of my favorites!!!

And there is still more!

As you can see in the above screenshot we also have Health, Loyalty, Symmetry, Experience and Skill level.

  • Health: In case you lose a game, your pig might get very excited. It might even get a heart attack as pigs are very sensitive animals. High health bars make it less likely that your Pig gets a heart attack.
  • Loyalty: Your pig might run away if you lose because it wants to be on the winner's side. The more loyal the pig is the smaller the chance it runs away.
  • Symmetry: This is about the belly of your pig. If the belly is bigger on one side, it's more likely to land on that side. What you don't want is one pig landing on the left side of the belly and the other on the right side of the belly. That's called a "Pig Out". More about that below.
  • Experience: Your experience grows when you play games until your pig reaches the next level. At that point, you can upgrade it as well, which means its properties can improve. The level of improvement depends on how many games it has won.
  • Skill: this is an aggregate of all the attributes combined.

The different combinations after a throw

Here you can see what the possible outcomes after a throw are.
You don't want the first one - that's for sure. A Pig Out means you lost.

0Pig Out: If one Pig falls on its right belly and the other on its left bellyimage.png
1Sider: If they both fall on the same side of their bellyimage.png
5Razorback: One pig on its back and other on its sideimage.png
5Trotter: One on its feet the other on the bellyimage.png
10Combo: These are usually combinations that involve a Snout of some sortimage.png
15Super Combo: There are a few combinations that are worth a special 15 multiplier. Fairly rare as combinations of Snouts with Razorback or Trotter, or Jouler with a Bellyimage.png
20Double trotter: both pig land on their four feetimage.png
20Double Razorback: both pigs land on their backimage.png
20Mega Combo: This is one of the harder combos involving a Jouler and something else special such as Trotter or Razorbackimage.png
25Super Mega Combo: The hardest combination to get without a Double is a Jouler and Snouterimage.png
40Double snouter: A double snouter is the second-highest score possible and extremely hard to getimage.png
60Piggericks: The best thing you can have!image.png

Playing the game

You will use two pigs at a time and toss them into the air until you reach the target goal of the game. Whoever hits the target first wins and gets the spoils.

The game is simple, it goes in turns until the target is reached and a winner is declared. Every player has a choice to make, keep going, and increase the score, but risk to lose whatever has been achieved in the current round or bank and give your opponent the chance to win.

"Keep Going" or choose "Bank"?

There is so much more

There are not only special packages during the pre-sales period until 15.07.2020.

There are also giveaways for the first 1000 players.

LevelMoney Spend In The ShopBonus Giveaway
Level 1$10$10
Level 2$50$50 + $10 = $60
Level 3$100$100 + $50 + $10 = $160
Level 4$200$200 + $100 + $50 + $10 = $360
Level 5$500$500 + $200 + $100 + $50 + $10 = $860
Level 6$1000$1000 + $500 + $200 + $100 + $50 + $10 = $1860

Of course, you can give up a referral when signing up.
You might want to fill in "pundito" 😇. It also asks for an email address but that's not mandatory.

Also, you can get extra packages by creating some content and promoting the game like I'm trying here.
This can be posts, videos, and promoting the game on other social media sites.

For the hivers who made it 'till here some links

The game is still in an early stage. All you can do at the moment is to buy the packages. In July it will go live.
Who do you need to trust that all will be fine? @knircky - the founder of @steem-bounty and other projects on steem.

I'm sure I forgot a lot to mention here because this game really has a lot to offer.
I hope to see you in-game.

All images are screenshot or images from

Have fun and


If you love music you might want to take a look at @psionic-tremors' blog.
If you love dogs you might want to take a look at @dog-marley's stories.

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Rising Star is still in ALPHA test phase - are you an early joiner/tester?


Shared on Twitter:

hahah! This looks like a lot of fun and I can see a lot of work has gone into it.

There can never be too many games on Hive!

I am off to buy some pigs......

Thanks for stopping by.
Yes, I also think this can be a lot of fun.
We will see very soon.

A clear rehive :-)

Thanks a lot!!!

So let me get this straight... You need two pigs to play?

yes - two pigs to play indeed.
If you have more pigs, you can choose the best combination of two pigs.
If you have two pigs you will need to play with the two you have.
By the way: playing the game is not enabled yet. That will start over 4 weeks.Hi @proto26,


Thanks! I purchased 2 pigs! Can't wait until it goes live!