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RE: Pigface - beautiful plant, unfortunate name.

in #pigface6 years ago

arpobrotus glaucescens also known as Pigface or Angular Pigface is a member of the Family Aizoaceae. There are about 30 species in the genus, the majority being native to South Africa. There are 6 species native to Australia which are chiefly coastal in distribution with the exception of C. modestus which is an inland growing species.

Carpobrotus glaucescens distributionCarpobrotus glaucescens is a prostrate, creeping succulent that has long trailing stems to 2 m long, which root at nodes along the stems. From these nodes the plant produces upright leafy branches. It has thick, fleshy, smooth leaves 3.5-10 cm x 1-1.5 cm, which are triangular in cross section. The plant grows to form a groundcover that can cover a large area.
