A Different Perspective of the California Wildfires

in #pictures7 years ago

I just found this photo taken from 30,000 feet over the fires still raging in Norcal... amazing piece of photography!

Courtesy: Twitter

Among several other causes, this is primarily the result of poorly thought out environmental policy and even worse forest management. A pity... incredibly beautiful country ruined by liberals. I read that the fires were started purposely to garner funds for sanctuary cities.




President Trump said as much that environment policy sucked.

Imagine that. No respect for our country or God who designed it for us to enjoy - not to destroy. Thanks @richq11

I really hope you're wrong... Would simply give up on them if you're right

Hey @richq11, did you see the description of you by @pennsif on the article about the radio rerun? Thought it was hilarious

No, I'd really like to forget about it. My audio was messed up and I couldn't hear pennsif... I couldn't get my mike to work (I hate discord) and I also couldn't get a word in edgewise. What did he say?

Trump is on top of it, he has tweeted this twice:

Donald J. Trump

Aug 6
California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading!@realDonaldTrump

howdy there funbobby51...ok this is what I saw a piece of on the news but I didn't know what he was talking about, man it's right there and he IS right on it! thank you sir.

Our man in Washington. It's refreshing.

howdy sir richq11 on this fine Saturday! that is truly a stunning photo! wow. hey how would these fires garner funds for sanctuary cities? I don't get that.

It's really quite simple my friend, Trump cut off funds to the sanctuary cities, so the state started the fires in order to get federal aid to replace what they lost.

howdy this fine Sunday sir! oh I see..well that's a clever plan but shows they don't about their own people who lost their homes, these are some sick individuals!

They don't care about the people, only the illegal aliens that vote for them... they can rape and murder as long as they vote Democrat!

well sir..I hate that we have that kind of perversion and corruption here in this country.

So do I... that's why I do this!