I’ve the biggest collection of rare pictures here, I’ll just leave them here
- Once every 2737 years
Mercury, Venus and Saturn aligned with Pyramids of Giza on Dec 3 , 2012
- Brinicle
Brinicles are the underwater equivalent of icicles. They form beneath ice when a flow beneath ice when a flow of saline water in introduced to ocean water.
- White Rainbows
They form in fog, rather in rain
- Catatumbo Lightning
At the mouth of catatumbo river in Venezuela, The storm occurs 160 times a year , 10 hours a day, 280 times in an hour
- Penitentes
Hardened snow at high altitudes
- Fire Rainbow
Formed by light reflecting from ice crystals in high level clouds
- Frost flower
These flowers are actually made up of ice
The pictures are very good but are they real ?