in #physics7 years ago

This is a lecture note. The flipping of electric dipoles can communicate informations between two points in space-time (Q--->P). Be aware that a sec0nd-order differential equation requires two initial conditions (boundary?). The membrane paradigm is equivalent by definition or otherwise (≡) to a BlackHole EventHorizon being like a conducting membrane such that Black Holes are really perfectly spherically symmetric (? ¿)/

Therefore, the entire physics of Black Hole (B.H.) might be described by (M,L,Q), where Q is known as the electric charge. See also ``Black Hole Zoo''. The questions stilll remain; for example; what happens to the collapsing entropy? Do Black Holes have/are magnetic monopoles? We have the following equations (which are not important to the thesis):

This is because the Action on Q.P=2 Pi n for some integer n.

Does there exist a curl (∇ x *) version of the DiracDelta: δ(P-Q).

The laws of Electromagnetism(E.M.) must therefore be rederived. At the location of the monopole, no vector potential exists!

Does stellar collapse not form a parallel universe? Try throwing a goat into the B.H. from a spacecraft to see what happens. Each point on the Penrose Diagram is surrounded by a perfect sphere, but at its center is a singularity. At the moment, naked singularities are not believed to be physical, here we have a "vacuum breakdown" in the equations.


Recall that within General Relativity all forms of energy gravitate. See also the "Cauchy Horizon."

"The nabla is a triangular symbol like an inverted Greek delta: or ∇. The name comes, by reason of the symbol's shape, from the Hellenistic Greek word νάβλα for a Phoenician harp, and was suggested by the encyclopedist William Robertson Smith to Peter Guthrie Tait in correspondence.
Nabla symbol - Wikipedia"
