One year of functional PHP; now in Russian!

in #php4 years ago

A year ago, I published my first solo book, Thinking Functionally in PHP. The reception has been extremely positive; almost everyone that's read it (that has bothered to talk to me about it) has found it clear, helpful, and enlightening. Mission accomplished!

To celebrate the one year anniversary of the book's publication, I am happy to make two announcements.

First, Thinking Functionally in PHP is now available in Russian! The translation is by Alexey Pyltsyn, who is responsible for the Russian translation of the PHP documentation as well as numerous other tech book translations.

Second, to celebrate the anniversary both the English and Russian editions are now on sale! For today and tomorrow, the minimum price for the English version has been reduced to just $20 USD. The Russian edition's introductory price for the next week is only $10 USD. (Both prices are only through those coupon links.)

If you haven't picked up a copy yet, now is the time. If you have, it's a great time to gift a copy to a friend or colleague. :-)

Still not sure if functional programming makes sense in PHP? Those who have read it already have great things to say about it:

"Probably the first time I’ve understood monads and currying in 10 years of trying!"
-- Dan Blows

"Thinking Functionally was a book I was unsure of to begin with. Having used functional programming languages before I wasn't sure how much benefit I would get from it. As it turns out it has completely changed my perspective and approach to not just functional programming, but programming in general - a must read for anyone wanting to understand that bit more than they already do."
-- Steve McDougall

While you're at it, you an also pick up my two other books absolutely free (or with a donation if you are so inclined):

  • Exploring PHP 8.0, a deep dive into all the new features and changes in PHP 8.0. (There's a lot of them.)
  • A Major Event in PHP, a tour of the PSR-14 event dispatcher spec from the PHP Framework Interoperability Group.

It seems likely that PHP 8.1 will include a number of new features that will radically improve the functional story in PHP. It's not yet clear exactly what will and will not be included, but I am already thinking about a sequel volume late this year. Stay tuned... ;-)


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