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RE: Interesting Items Seen At The World's Longest Yard Sale!

in #photos8 years ago

Mate! A lot of effort posting all of those neat findings up here. Thanks! Love the"gun-maker" wheelchair in particular.

You seem to be enjoying life and look positive especially when enjoying quality time with your family. Happy for you 😃


You are very welcome! It did take quite a while, but it made the yard sale that much more fun.

You know, I looked up "gun-maker" wheelchair because I thought maybe it was the name of it , lol.

I do enjoy life with my family. They are usually able to bring me out of funks that I may be in. My wife has been a rock and she is absolutely wonderful.

Wives are great like that. ... oh and it's safe to say that after seeing your reply. .. I HAVE A NEW FAVOURITE CHAIR!