This photo of the sunset and amazing texture of the clouds over the horizon i took on my visit to Hun Hin Beach in south of Thailand it's one of the most exploding sunsets with the most amazing cloud formation i have ever seen i am lost for words in how to describe this one to you but one thing that really caught my eye , with so much going on with this sunset and clouds the sun itself still managed to peek out at us through those clouds as if to say the God's eye will never leave you no matter what is going on around you.
Contest : #photoquesthunt
Camera : iPhone 6
Contest : #photoquesthunt
Camera : iPhone 6
Isn't it amazing what an iPhone can capture? We should always have our cameras on us ready to go!
Better then them high end cameras sometimes !!
Don't rub it in too hard!
Haha :)))))
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@photocircle TeamThat is quite spectacular! Wow!
Thank you Melinda i never seen anything like that amazing mother nature !!