Night descends around the Mt Yasur volcano as its eruptions defy the darkness. Have you ever watched a volcano erupt in front of you from the crater rim? Quite the unnerving experience as each of those blocks of magma is about the size of a refrigerator! Mount Yasur is a volcano on Tanna Island, Vanuatu, that sits at 361 m (1,184 ft) above sea level.
The best way I can describe it is that it is like watching an explosion while experiencing an earthquake and listening to a sonic boom. Then as you stare numbly into space your trance is broken by the whistling noise of the magma falling from the sky with the hope it falls short of where you are standing.
I had not shared the title shot before however I thought I would post it up with the two subsequent shots that I had posted previously as they are a little more powerful when shown together. The last shot was taken with a super wide angle 10.0 mm (15.8 mm in 35mm); to give you an idea of how close we were to the action.
hereIf you would like to learn a little bit more about my background in photography you can read the interview @photofeed did with me
Robert Downie
Love Life, Love Photography
All images in this post were taken by and remain the Copyright of Robert Downie -
wow amazing.
Nice shot buddy
Posted using Partiko Android
WoW!! Yor photo shot is simply amazing...
Very kind of you
Awesome shots. Kudos for managing to take sweet pictures while it's raining refrigerator sized magma.
lol - thanks !
No problem. By the way, I just read that interview you did with photofeed and I was wondering if you think it's worth it to post photography on instagram and facebook. I know the consumer base is bigger but as you said the algorithms aren't as friendly to new people.
That is an interesting question. If you are trying to develop as a photographer then I would say yes. You have to post to Instagram and FB as that is currently where all the people are. That said algorithm on FB is almost impossible to grow a following with. IG is slightly better but the days of going from 2k followers to 10k just with platform growth are gone, they are at saturation levels (1 billion users). Why post then ? Because if you want to interact with other photographers and collaborate and learn thats where the talent is. Otherwise your stuck talking to people like me ;-). It is also where clients expect to see your portfolios. I have 50K followers on IG which is not something you can just walk away from either as that represents value to clients. I am hoping with the advent of SMT's and applications like APPICS that there will be real blockchain alternatives to Instagram that one can promote to your own followings. Steem is more like reddit in its current form although goes a long way to helping improve the interface. Steepshot is unlikely to take off I don't think as it just cross posts to your steem feed and clutters it up.
Lol I'm happy to be talking to people like you, you've got a lot good insight!
What you're saying about gaining a following on instagram and facebook is about what I had guessed and I'm not sure my content is professional enough to make the effort worth it at this stage, but I'll definitely keep it in mind for the future. It makes sense clients would want to see followings on more traditional platforms.
Have you promoted steemit to your instagram/fb followers at all and if so did you notice any meaningful growth on this platform?
Btw thanks for taking the time to respond.
I have tried with steemit but its too hard for instagram. Hence I am hopeful for appics which will be more of the user experience for IG and they are putting a lot of effort into simplifying the sign up etc.
Amazing pictures of volcano and the yout thinking about this amazing
Thank you
Great Post 😆
what a photography man you are awesome
Thanks ; very kind of you.
you are welcome my friend
Wow, yeah... It would be unnerving being that close to flying blobs of molten rock. Fascinating, though!
This is absolutely insane! How hot was it up there? Lol
Not hot but it was quite sulfurous
I hear ya. Being that close you’d think it was flaming hot lol
Woow! How you got those pictures without getting burned xD, that's impressive!
lol; thanks.
Soo, I think you need to have a certain type of mindset to be able to take shots like that. The mindset that will take you places fairly untouched and unseen, with obvious gambling tokens resting on your shoulders. Was it frightening for you or enthralling? Mag-nificent moments captured!
Thanks. It was an amazing experience. Not frighting at all. The risk is too abstract , its not like being on a cliff or similar.
Oh I understand, the threat is not so immediate, still not the most safest of spots, so much fun :)
It was an amazing thing to see
Impressive! Love the long exposure showing the trails of the flying refrigerators :)
Lol. Yes its a bit weird when you say it like that.
Where it is from ?
? Did you read the post?
truly mesmerizing! wonderful photography
Thank you
Looks nice!
Nice shots.
wow!!!!!!!!! it's too amazing...
Great shot, well done my friend..

Happy world photography day to you and all photographers around the globe....✌️✌️💪
Image source:
Thank you ! I did not there there was a world photography day!
@intrepidphotos : I'm speechless!
Regards of @shaly
Amazing pictures....what a special moment to experience that👍
Thank you
Fantastic. I love how you described the expeirnce.
Oh my God! what a Photography... really amazing.. i have never seen volcano erupt in front of me but the photos you have taken is Superb...
In December here in Philippines also mayon volcano erupt last for more than 1 month it's affect many people here
Very sad; this is a much more controlled eruption.
Great Images - the second one I do like most though. Thank you for sharing.
Oh shit, im so jealous you get to experience this. Take my money, I want to go.
I would love to go back. Hopefully sail there one day.
your photos are extremely fabulous.
Thank you
Imágenes espectaculares
It's amazing.
That's simply amazing brother... wasn't that dangerous to capture?
Dangerous is a relative term. The eruptions were quite consistent so its relatively safe. That said it is a volcano so you never know for sure.