10 years of togetherness..!!!


Its been a awsome journey for us two. We were teenagers when we came into relationship and then we didnt look back. We are each other's supporting system till today. We both look after each other in bad situations and sort things for each other. I am happy to be her life partner.


I am thankful to many people who believe in us that we will stay together because i believe in law of attraction. Many people try to seprate us. Our believe is stronger than anything even we are teaching life lessons to upcoming generation.


Staying together is hard sometimes but you need to hold on each other and trust each other because when you decide to spend life with each other you need to accept good and bad of each other. But relationship is all about improvement. Its all about growing with each other.


Today I am happy because I decided to marry her 10 years ago and now she is all mine and soon we will get married. I have a strong law of attraction which supported me and give me many things but i need to be honest for that so if you love someone truly then you need to express it with honesty may be you ll be rejected but that doesnt mean you failed. Its just that something take time to happen but it will happen for sure.


We were teenagers and now we both are independently working in different departments but we have some goals. Like we all want peace in our life. But its hard sometimes when you are living life in this chaotic world. People are looking for peace and going to ahsrams, rehabilitaion centers or mountains. But if you look for peace its inside you.




Most of the people will misuse your patience but if you have your lover then you will stay away from distraction and you can work with passion6


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