The favorite of the zoo - my favorite

in #photography7 years ago

I like to go to the zoo and watch the animals there. My favorite animal is the hippopotamus. I watch them for hours. Behemoth is the favorite of the zoo.
This hippopotamus arrived in 1969 on the sea from Hamburg to Cindy's ship to Riga, and from there to Kharkov. In the first years he was called Cindy in honor of the ship on which he sailed. Over time, he was called in his own way by Senya. So, this name strengthened him. Over time, the zoo staff found that this is an outstanding personality. They were often surprised by the completely unexpected actions of the hippopotamus. Thus, he skillfully steals from workers the broom to ... eat! He himself learned to open his paddock and made night walks around the zoo.
The hippopotamus knows that everyone loves it and therefore knows how to use it.
First, it slowly enters the water.


Then dives ... and everyone, with bated breath, waiting for him to appear. Wait, they are looking for him in the water - he can not be seen. Then he suddenly appears next to the visitors. All are delighted! After doing this trick several times, he comes out of the water and comes to the fence.


And now, at this moment you begin to understand that he is waiting for a reward for his work. In the end, he opens his mouth wide and waits.


He is waiting for you to put food in his mouth.



Then, very pleased, he chewed it all!


Senya is very clever, despite the fact that he is a hippopotamus. I love him!


Wow, thanks for sharing - reminds me of childhood. :)

I love animals

Thanks for the support.

My favorite animal at the zoo is the monkey!

Great animals,nice photography.
Your to good job.

Zoos are super depressing - nice photos but that animal is a prisoner.

Maybe you're right. But the conditions are not so bad, because this hippopotamus had many children born already in the zoo.

Sadly, the number of offspring is not a measure of happiness.

longevity is an indicator of good care? Have you read my post? Did you notice that the hippopotamus arrived at the zoo in 1969? He is already an adult.

hi @zvezda51 i really appreciate your thoughtful responses to me. i want to thank you by taking the time to write some good comments back because i looked over your posts and i believe you to be a thoughtful, caring person. if i didn't think that, i wouldn't waste my time here ;-)
Regarding longevity being an indicator of good care ... so that is not the issue here. the issue is that zoos are depressing because the animal is a prisoner. Just because a company can keep an animal alive for a long period of time may make it a better prison, but still a prison, and still depressing. For instance:

By the way, would regular members of the public know if a hippo was "sick" or ill just by looking at it? Probably not.

i'll mention again that i am not attacking you personally, i think your intentions are lovely for posting this but it is important to understand that when people pay for-profit businesses to imprison animals for human convenience and entertainment, then those animals will continue to be imprisoned and it will be depressing. this is especially important for people who like animals, because they unintentionally pay to keep the animals locked up. traditional zoos have no place in modern society, but they will continue to stay in business if people think of them as "good".

Animals and trees are the life of nature so,i love them tooo

very nice photo.

Thank you so much!

What a wonderful story about your favorite animal at the zoo! He sounds like quite the character with a big personality and so very sweet. Hope you had fun and enjoyed your visit!

Thank you so much!

You are most welcome!

Me too I like to visit zoo and see animals thank you so much because you share with us your experience.

yes Senya is clever we should to care and love them.

I think every boy like the tiger and Aligator

i wish i were in your place in the Zooo

Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it!

Hola muy buen post, nos sorprende lo que hacen los animales por que aveces pensamos que somos los únicos inteligentes, pero ellos constantemente demuestran que también tienen sus destellos de luz. Felicitaciones.

Thanks for the comment.

Adorable hippo!! What is Senya's diet?

Look at that giant teeth


I love those huge animals too. Too bad these creatures can usually be seen in the zoo and not on the wild. I hope we humans should learn to love the nature more.

Thanks for the comment! I support you.

Many humans do love nature. Unfortunately more humans like profit even more.

Do not forget about the psychological side of the zoo: a person sees an animal close, a person likes an animal. The person begins to think about how well to do with the animal that he likes (and not only at the local level, but also more globally). And if we know that somewhere there are some hippos that are on the verge of extinction, and what? This animal is not from our natural circle. This is not our problem?

Each of us has the opportunity to show love for animals in its own way. For example, now in our country there is a big problem with birds that have already arrived to us from the south, and the weather met them with frosts.


And yes I agree that everyone can show their love in their own way, but if someone is uneducated or uninformed or given false information, that person might be showing their love in ways that are actually harming those that they love. Which is why education about the truth about zoos is so important 🙂

hi again @zvezda51, please see my other comment first. again, i appreciate and respect your thoughtful comments and i want to share my responses to you, out of respect because obviously you like animals and nature, so we are on the same side :-)

I understand the argument you are trying to make, but that is the argument used by zoos and other businesses that profit from keeping animals for entertainment: that introducing people to animals up-close will create an appreciation and love for the animal, educating them to help these animals in the future. Unfortunately this is bad logic, because there are many people who have seen hamsters, ferrets, iguanas or cats up-close and in-person, but they do not grow to like hamsters, ferrets, iguanas or cats, or become advocates for hamster rescue, ferret rescue etc. Seeing an animal up-close and in-person may introduce the person to that animal but it does NOT mean the person will care about the animal's welfare. Look at all the people who don't like cats and dogs, even tho they have met them in person.

I also understand your point that if people can't see animals from outside their local region, then they might ignore them. This is also a bad argument because today, unlike in the 1950s, there is the internet and streaming video and people in South America can see videos of polar bears in real time. People don't need to see a polar bear at the zoo, in person, to care about polar bears starving to death from global warming -- people can just look at all the polar bear stories/images/videos/content from social media and the internet. Again, the traditional zoo has no place in modern society.

If only they liked to be held captive in primitive concrete and steel cages as much as we like to look at them for our amusement, at our convenience.
Not judging you personally 😐
Wish people knew there is a better way to enjoy them.

Of course, animals should not live in such conditions. And I also wish them the best. And under natural conditions, people manage to harm them. And that you have an alternative offer to zoos?

hi @zvezda51 again, i don't mean to attack you personally. you seem like a good person who cares about animals and nature, which is why i took the time to write you thoughtful responses. these are not attacks, just logical ways of looking at different things.
if people know that animals should not live in such conditions, then people should not pay to keep these conditions in business. if people do not pay to keep these zoos in business, the zoo will not exist. it's like saying "i know this is bad but i'm going to do it anyway".
yes, even in their natural environments people harm animals, but that is NOT a reason to keep zoos in business. that would be like saying that people are going to kill each other anyway, so why do we need laws making murder illegal.

there IS a better way, and here is one example:
this is an example of a NON-PROFIT organization whose mission is to rehabilitate and give these animals a good life. this is completely different than a FOR-PROFIT business whose mission is to make as much money as possible from the animals.
Big Cat Rescue offers guided tours that respect the animal in its natural environment, AND they are helping to end the big cat trade (zoos are buyers)
I know this is not a cheap, easy, fast alternative to a modern zoo. But you didn't ask for a cheap, easy, fast alternative. I assumed you were asking for a better alternative.

You, probably, will be surprised, in our city the zoo, in which the entrance is free. He is on the maintenance of the local patron of art. But, I also do not mind you, it's just that "truth is born in disputes" :)

Wow I did not know that 😮

I enjoyed your photography. Keep up the good work.
It's always nice to see good photo here on Steemit