This App Helps Users Look Like World Travellers on Instagram

in #photography7 years ago

There was a time, not so long ago, when your travel destination determined your photos. Now, experts say, your photos increasingly determine your travel destination.

That's because Instagram has turned "travel bragging" - posting alluring images from exotic locales to one-up your followers - into something of an art form.

Amass enough followers and you could gain influencer status, allowing you to leverage your "social media clout to travel the world, frequently in luxury." That goal may partly explain why surveys from around the world are beginning to show that significant numbers of millennials spend multiple hours a day on their smartphones while travelling and would prefer posting jealousy-inducing selfies to photos with loved ones.
Now companies are beginning to capitalise on the pressure to post awe-inducing photos on social media as well. Among the most successful is Krome Photos, a photo editing website that uses artificial intelligence to pair people with professional photo editors who can take your images and transform them to make it look like you're anywhere in the world. The cost of edits range between $3 and $12 (roughly Rs. 200 and Rs. 800) and most take between 12 or 24 hours.

"Anything is possible" the company's website says.

"In the old days our car or our house represented who we were," said Eduardo Llach, the company's chief executive and founder who compared his employment model to Uber. "Now, your online persona is everything and people are realising that photos give youpkrome_studio_twitter_full_1533553501349.jpg the ability to create whoever you want to be.