Each Flower has character and odor must have its own characteristics, texture color and appearance make anyone who see will continue to look at it is Flower .. Objects that will always appear in the forefront of every color of nature ..#
** I am so happy with the colors given by nature, you imagine when the yellow flower assemble into one unity will create a beautiful flower garden palace.**
we can feel the power of every element of nature when we can realize the importance of the natural environment that is all around us.
source: Personal Documentation
source: Personal Documentation
source: Personal Documentation
By. @yudisb07
Thanks to :
Bunga yang cantik dan indah..
Iya bunga yang sangat indah..
very nice and kereng i like
Upvote aku juga ya dan follow
Aceh di vote semua kawan..
Sling bekerja sama By.. @anif123
Oke.. untuk sama perkenalan akan saya vote..
woooow. This yellow flower so bright. Good shoot Yudi
Thank @kerger