"Renaissance vs Entropy"

in #photography5 years ago


It's been a while since I've had a little flutter of wisdom drop in spontaneously.

"Either humanity awakens on the other side of this to a Renaissance of life or we lose ourselves within the twilight of our entropy".... ~My muse this morning

Renaissance - French word meaning “rebirth”

Entropy - The Greek root of the word translates to “a turning towards transformation” — with that transformation being chaos.


Interesting dichotomy going on in this little wisdom drop. Hmmm

These little spontaneous wisdom drops can be so interesting and lead to the most profound realizations. I don't think we get enough of these wisdom drops with so much chaos and worry going on in the world today. I was pleasantly surprised to get this little nugget. Believe it or not, I wasn't exactly sure what 'entropy' meant so I had to look it up.

I don't think I would be alone in thinking the world is going down very quickly in so many moral and ethical ways. There does seem to be a diversion in thought, however.

Many consider these times likened to the Dark Ages....the precursor to a time of enlightenment and creative expression. Could that be?!

Do we require entropy in order to reach enlightenment? Or is entropy a means to an end...like any other disproportionate tug of war eventually leading to its own dissoluteness in order for an entirely new life (not rebirth) to emerge?

And maybe that is the choice we have at on the horizon.....A rebirth or the dissolution of humanity in order to make way for a new life to emerge.

I know for me, I have at times grabbed onto the lightning rod that is the beauty of human potential and it has moved me to tears....I wish for that for all of us to manifest and enjoy together.

A rebirth - Renaissance


What are your thoughts?
