あのぅ、ところでいまさらですが、あなたのユーザネームを日本語読みすると、なんていう発音になりますか?「ジャラエン」さん? ははは、またいつか教えてください。
btw, I know I should have asked you a bit earlier but how we can pronounce your username in Japanese? "Jaraen" san or "Jaran" san? I'm glad if you would tell me when you have time!
And about
crypto vs the self-sustained village you were living in
I couldn't write details about this post, but there's some small village where started to use their own coins(real one, not crypto) for their each services, I'm interested in those new way of manage village business or economy. I'll write more some day concern about this topic.
Thank-you very much for your warm reply n I'm glad I could chat with you again, jalaynさん!
Glad you will write about your village and how they manage business and economy, it will certainly be interesting.
As for my nickname, I think ジャラエン would indeed be fine (I still have to learn katakana, I'm good with hiragana, but didn't learn yet katakana!)
ありがとうございます, yo-yoさん, 気をつけて! ^_^
ありがとう、ジャラエンさん! わかりましたw