Some time ago, I started experimenting with making soap at home using essential oils and adding lavender buds and lemon zest. The base for the soap was a simple "melt and pour" mixture that I melted down on the stove top. I think what took me so long originally to even try to make my own soap is because I thought I would have to handle lye, and I've heard horror stories about lye! I mean, I've heard people have gone blind, and then the stories about it eating away at you like acid....sounds scary!! Anyways, the melt and pour base was quite simple and safe and not frightening at all, I might add :-) I had a big glass jar with the soap and then the big glass jar was sitting in a pot of water...basically the cheap version instead of getting a fancy double boiler pot. I used silicone molds and also experimented with using other things as molds..
I've tried to add oats too; get's a bit messy in the shower but hey, it's good for the skin! My husband said to try putting coffee grind next...I'm not sure...hmmm....maybe? I did one batch with rose oil and put rose petals too...I think I'm more partial to's hard to decide.
Next I want to use my Madeleine pan as a soap mold, but I think people might get confused and really try to eat them.... I used the tops of tea tins as a mold too but those came out too big I think.
I think the part I like the best though is wrapping them up after to look pretty and give away to people.
P.S. Just in case anyone was wondering, those photos are mine :-) And I'd like to thank @kotturinn for inspiring me to share these photos with you. She had made a lovely post about some lavender bath scrubs that she made :-)

Cool soap! Very fancy, would almost feel bad actually using it.
Hahaha! People say that all the time! I guess that's why it's nice to have some to use and some for display ;-)
oh handmade soap ! so cool :) i would like to have one , i love handmades in any type
Thanks, that's kind! I like to give them away as gifts :-)
<3 :)