
I have thing for wolves in general, but actually having a high percentage hybrid is very difficult. Since they can easy jump an eight foot fence with no problems and I'm not keeping one on a chain. The husky was my wife idea. He's 1/3 Timberwolf and a great dog, but too friendly lol. Maybe one day when I have some rural property I can look at one that is 75% or more.

mine was 1/2 chow-1/2 wolf. He was only 8 months old when I got him and he was destined for a bullet. My local vet. was awesome and treated him just like other dogs. Some places aren't allowed to. I really didn't want to keep him, but all the shelters and wolf dog rescues would not take him because of his breeding. I was stuck with him. He was the best companion I have ever had. We enjoyed nearly 11 years together. He was a lover.

I hate when people want to kill wolf dogs, so stupid. They have more of a pack mentality and the family becomes their pack. The shelters around here are the same way. Sorry for your loss. 😭

Thank you. He was my woogie boy. He was a talker.

Yeah so is mine, his name is Shadow. He get's in a howling mood from time to time lol. We got some snow this week, and he's been wound up! Constantly running back and forth infant the door until you take him out lol.

LOL I can see him in my minds eye. :) when the bear was in the yard, he had a whole different sound. Very creepy lol