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RE: California Fires - 13 original images, Nov 8 2018

in #photography6 years ago

California is mostly desert. It has a rainy winter then the summers get almost nothing. The spring brush grows, dries, then sits. To manage the millions of acres of forest--mow the grass and trim the shrubs--would be a public works project on scale with building the great wall of China.

Last year Governor Brown vetoed legislation to put all power lines underground. Now instead they randomly turn off the power to random parts of the state. I guess it shows an attempt? Pacific Gas and Electric is a private company with total control over all utilities, they would have had to bear the cost of burying these wires. Curious decision. It got surprisingly little media attention.

Also, California is broke. There is no money for infrastructure on any level at all. It all goes to pensions for bureaucrats that over-managed days gone by. That's pretty cynical maybe, some of the employees still show up daily I guess.

The whole world seemed so apocalyptic it was incredible to experience! I felt like I should be running for my life but everyone kept saying the fire was miles and miles away and no one seemed to panic. It was like looking at a spontaneous eclipse, everyone on the street had to share the moment together and marvel at what was going on.

Thanks for your comment, its great to know that people actually read what I write. :)


Now instead they randomly turn off the power to random parts of the state. I guess it shows an attempt?

What kind of attempt is that when you deny power to some parts of the state? Does that mean those states that were powered down do not need power?

Bury the wires. Why, are those wires the cause of the fire? I don't think the private companies will really care burying the wires because that will be too much cost for them. That is unless the government mandates these companies. I am not sure in California or in the US in general but in my country, many companies would shrug things off for as long as there is no legislation that they are breaking.

There is no money for infrastructure on any level at all.

There is money if only the government will allocate funds for infra. It is a matter of where the public money is allocated by the officials. Again, that is how I see it in my country. They say we lack this and that but we do not have the fund to proceed. The heck with that reasoning.

It all goes to pensions for bureaucrats that over-managed days gone by.

It is funny that I am "hearing" this same thing from the other side of the world. Though for our version, our pensioners are receiving pittance. Where most of the funds go are to the people behind the desk who just wait for the day to end and still receive their salary on pay day.

Was there ever an instance when the fire got to your residence areas or even close that your people really need to run for your lives?

I don't know if the utility company paid off the ex-governor directly or indirectly, but likely one of his kids will be on the board of directors or get some other ceremonial $250K/year lifetime job appointment. Good work if you can get it.

The government here is a collection of unelected bureaucrats who collectively knuckle under the voter's choice. The big company's elites are nearly indistinguishable from these unelected employee government elites, and it doesn't matter who wins the election.

Re-allocating funds away from ever increasing government departments is impossible. That cannot happen because these department directors intend to hire the assistant's nephew, and if they were to recommend their own downsizing, they'd be immediately extricated from the community of largess.

Our pensioners too receive a pittance of the spending power they thought they were promised, except for the ones who retired recently. They figured out how to cook the books on the pension allocations and cranked their allotment significantly. it will only be good for a little while though, when the world reserve of US currency hits the mainland, inflation will be many many percents.

Last year a co-worker's sister had to run for her life, but relatively few stories like that make it around. People are paying attention this time of year, when the winds switch everyone knows the drill. Except just after they start. In the first couple hours, things can go sideways.

Thanks for the comments. I'd love to see government choose to spend money on things that benefit the people more directly, I'd love to see big business lose its ability to coerce elected officials via the departmental directors, but as it stands, the fire fighters get huge checks and operate what appear to be controlled burns (on the federal government's nickel) while PG&E isn't hit with a multi billion dollar invoice. First round of golf is on me. :)

Are you a real American? Why do I "hear" whining all along? 😂

Kidding aside, it is very surprising to know those details from someone who is from the same place. From the other end of the earth, and I believe in other corners too, America is regarded as an "ideal" place to live with the American dream.

We've been and is still being hit by really bad inflation and I wonder how long will we go this way. Fares and prices of basic commodities are skyrocketing but salary rate is not moving. Among other may more problems...

Oh well, I wonder what we are supposed to do with our governments. I joined the second EDSA revolution that toppled our former president Estrada but solutions can not be protests on the streets everyday. Maybe we just play golf and have coffee afterwards. Those problems will be over tomorrow. 😃

Haha. Not a real American. My wife was born in Arizona, but she's an anarchist so I don't think that really counts either. They say I was born under a canadian flag but I have no recollection and I don't trust anyone. :)

If the American dream is to start a business and buy a house, then its over. Houses are $500K and wages $20 per hour. There is no way. Owning any business capable of even paying wages needs 250K to start and a couple inside connections. The only progress here is for the elites while everyone else scrapes by. Apples are $6/kg, people spend 2 weeks per month to pay rent then the government takes the next week's pay leaving barely enough to insure an old car.

Sounds like your Yellow team is like our Democrat team, and the Duerte is trying to shake out the rust. From here he seems pretty respectable, although I assume governments are kinda the same all over. Filling the pockets of their friends and giving commoners the stick. That he is cleaning up anything at all is pretty incredible, although I'm sure its much slower and less effective than anyone dared to dream.

I don't think we can do much with governments. They comfortably crush all opposition and the idea of rising against the power seems like a fool's errand. Pretty sure they'll take care of themselves and we will pick up the pieces later.

I don't believe the federal system is viable, too many small interest groups trying to prop up each other's small interest in this collective grab at the feed trough of government. We will never get power lines underground while the firefighter's union is in cahoots with the power company to co-opt the legislators. If we could have direct voting then maybe there'd be a chance, but its for sure that no one currently in power is going to let that start.

Fun chat. I followed your blog and need to check out the 3D printing of houses in your post. That future seems so much more functional than the fiasco that is the current building department system. Cheers!

They describe American dream to me as having a house, a car and a stable job. So maybe having your own business is a wish.

It looks like you folks are a fan of our president. I am not, with his way of governance. As I mentioned, inflation continues to go up but not the salary. Just now, I paid the minimum fare I knew which was already hiked from less than a year ago. But then I was asked we have another hike which took effect just today. Oh well.. And more things getting worse that I don't wanna keep whining about and stress over with. In contrast to your belief or trust to Duterte is your being against federalism. He's been trying to persuade people about that.

Those Steemhunt posts are helping me keep almost a daily post. Faster than sitting and think much of what to post... 😊