#Dailypetphotography- Named a stray dog SAM

in #photography7 years ago

Hii friends,

This is a small break from my medical posts, and this post is regarding my participation in a contest that is #dailypetphotography by @kona. Its really a good idea to conduct such contests and i am really thankful to @kona for giving this opportunity to share about my dog.


Do you know why i named this dog-SAM. if you want to know the story how i came to adopt this dog just see my intro post or else i will tell you in short.

During my third year MBBS exams, when i was reading in the balcony a dog was trying to get some food from the plastic rags in the dustbin. But unfortunately he couldnt find anything that he could eat. The dogs condition was so pathetic, it seems to be the dog starved for soo many days and thats the moment which made me adopt this beautiful creature.

I gave him some food, which he refused to take for sometime but his hunger cant resist the offer. It tookso many days for him to get closer to me as he was never with humans before.

Luckily one more guy, who was a driver of our professer feeds it daily and i am very happy for that.

SEVERE ACUTE MALNUTRITION which i was reading when i first saw this dog. And the name is obvious for his condition at that time and thats the story behind his name.I forgot to say why i named him - #SAM. Its the topic in my textbook -

I hope you like my story... thank you...


Wonderful...wonderful! you are a very kind and great person, I am very proud of your activity. I think that you should be a good doctor. I can give you a long comment for this post but I am not a good writer I mean my English... just poor. Anyway, I am following you. thanks for visiting and commenting on my post.

I didn’t expect this from you and i am very happy for your kind words.
You are quite good at english, dont feel bad about it. Even i am poor at english, but i am learning now
Thank you sooo much friend 😊.

Thank Vinay for your great encouragement. Me too learning from Steemit.