Musings XI

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I've been pondering over thoughts of the Law of Attraction. For those of you who are unfamiliar, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. 

I've held in my minds-eye, the thought of being able to achieve all of my goals. I will continue to grow as an artist, I can find the time, and standing still is not an option. I've had lots of good things come my way but I still feel myself holding back. A small voice whispering to me that success and change is scary.

I've been able push away these fears by accepting them as they are. It's pointless to ignore your feelings, even if they are signs of weakness. I know that I'll be able to overcome any obstacle as longs as I start my days early and get out of the house. I am a creature of habit and I spend too much time alone in my head.

Lately, many ideas have been flooding my mind. Lots of things that I want to accomplish in the next few weeks and I'm hungry. Starving myself with delights being dangled in front of me, sweet and begging to be devoured. For once, I will focus my energy and let my greed overtake me as I run in multiple directions. I hope to find a path that continues to inspire me.

I read in my last horoscope that I'll need to take better care of myself. I'm guilty of working myself to the point of exhaustion but my intuition is telling me that it will be worth it. These thoughts will become reality and all that awaits is an infinite amount of happiness. 

The best thing about our growing community is the overwhelming amount of art that's being produced. So I'm curious, tell me what you're looking to accomplish and what you will do to keep you're head up.

Thanks for reading. 🦊


You shouldn't read horoscopes you can better call them horro(r)scopes. It's just a bunch of bull :). You should always take care of yourself before anything else. No one will do for u probably...

I'm better at taking care of others than myself. I can pretty much do anything that I put my mind to except eat full healthy meals on time. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thought provoking post with great pictures as well. I do believe in the law of attraction, in a way to me its like planting positive "seeds" and waiting till they mature.

I find steemit to be more inspiring than I thought it would be, even one post like this makes me feel a positive sense of community and makes me want to contribute.

One of the things I will be working on regularly now are the Steemit community trading cards. I have one done and second should be finished and posted tomorrow!

To keep my head up what I usually do is focus on the good. In my circumstance as a now almost month old user is I find it heartwarming and inspiring how many people already follow my blog and upvote etc. That gives me energy. I also always keep in mind how fortunate I am to even be able to blog and spend time doing such while some in this world struggle to eat.

Also I would like to thank you personally for swinging by my blog and upvoting because it means a lot and I am happy to say I really enjoy yours as well. I find it entertaining and thought provoking with a good mix of creative elements. Keep on steeming and looking forward to more !

Reading a reply like this is exactly what I was hoping for!

I have moments where I sometimes have a very mixed emotion and I know that I'm on the boarder of a breakthrough. I'm better now at sharing these feelings because keeping it locked in will only set me back. Now I call my closest friends and we bounce off creative ideas. You can feel the excitement and inspiration sparks fly, even though we're all thousands of miles away. To my surprise, I've been able to receive a similar experience to that here on Steemit!

I also look forward to watching you evolve with each post and good luck with the Steemit community trading cards!

I'm looking to slowly put all my poetry into the block chain, fluidly intertwined. I see this place as a beautiful zeitgeist and time vault, the same way I still have a few pictures stuck in myspace forever, but actually forever bonded to a currency. As always your musings and accompanying photography is sensual yet visceral. Lovely.

Your thoughts are very similar to mine and it's funny that you mentioned myspace, I've had to log in from time to time to retrieve only photographs. Thanks for coming by and viewing another one of these musings, I'm hoping to grow my art with each photograph.

Loved the post,that looks amazing.

Looks v. Hot

those are amazing pics the post is pretty deep I like it ;)

Thank you for your compliments and taking the time to read.

Mmmm, very seductive...
Just keep Steeming ahead with that art. I'm having a dry spell with my stuff atm. I'm just gonna keep trucking on to the end of the year :)

Just going on is the only way I ever had. I hope you find the juicy bits again soon.

Thanks, I think a bit of painting will get me in a good head space...

Never thought I I would say this... but... ahmmm... well... Steem... on...

You gotta embrace your inner nerd 😉

Inspiration definitely strikes at the oddest moments. On this trip that I just returned from (7hrs ago) I found myself drawing alone in the hotel lobby. Not something I would normally do and things started to magically appear! ✨ I'm sure you'll snap out of it and continue to produce as well! :D

i tried to tell you, but you weren't interested. most artists only center on themselfs.

I'm sorry that I had forgotten to leave a reply on your own thoughts. Entirely my fault and trust that it was not from a lack of interest.

no problem. i was disappointed, but only a minute. that's me sometimes.

I'm glad to hear that you were able to bounce back. You should continue to write more and I'll be better at relaying my thoughts back. :)

Good story and beautiful picture.
Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. Thanks

Want to find yourselves and my place in this world!!

This post received a 1.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @steemitadventure! For more information, click here!

Very kind of you @steemitadventure. Thanks :)

Thanks for the insight into your minds-eye :) I particularly like this physical eye darting through the strands of hair in the last pic as well :) A lovely rhyme. Signed: a new fan.

Thank you for your words and noticing the details. :)

"I'm guilty of working myself to the point of exhaustion but my intuition is telling me that it will be worth it."

Thank you for this article and those beautiful photography.

Thank you for taking the time to view my work. :)

I often find myself living almost a second life, internally. I do a lot of "self talk" and mull things over and over in my head, but nothing really makes it out. It can be really overwhelming, especially as a creative type. It can feel like you have 100 ideas all trying to get you to grab on and take notice, but there's so much going on that it's just impossible to latch onto any one thing, and then there's nothing to show for it.
I've made a conscious decision to let a lot more of those internal conversations out. Sometimes just getting it out into the universe, bouncing those ideas off of other people, can get the ball rolling.
It's my hope that having so many wonderfully creative types around in this community will help me to find inspiration (which it already is, only a couple weeks into this crazy Steemit adventure), and also help to keep me accountable. If we have followers, people genuinely interested in what/how we are doing, I think it helps to pull us out of that internal trap.
You know what I mean?

Yes! Are you an Aquarius too? What you're saying sounds like many conversations that I have with myself! Again, Steemit is the perfect platform and creatives are able to gather and build relationships organically.

I'm so glad you were able to follow what I was saying! Sometimes I feel like I'm rambling. lol
No, I'm not an Aquarius, but my sister is, and she and I are the bestest of friends. I am a Virgo, with Libra rising. :)

Looking forward to following your posts!

interesting, Will be looking forward to your posts.

Up-voted :-)


Thanks for visiting!

The Law of Attraction is in motion constantly, and it is a weapon for our good. Those serendipitous moments we have when encountering special souls who reflect parts of us... Synchronicity at its finest!

I couldn't agree more!

@vermillionfox Show me how to take photos like these omgggg so hawwwwttt

Hahaha, thanks @moony! 😆 We gotta plan a day to just run around and take photos!

Thanks for sharing! I might have used the law of attraction in my painting as i started from nowhere and its only been 3 years since i ever touched a paint and canvas! And i just enjoy nature and get my inspiration from everywhere i look!