I’d choose the mild heat in Minneapolis versus Las Vegas’ in a heartbeat!
Adjusting to the dessert heat has been somewhat of a challenge but I’d say that I played it smart. I took advantage of our rooms and cooled off as much as I could. We also had to apply layers upon layers of sunblock and wise up about the right times to leave our hotel room. It seems like a waste to hide indoors for the better part of the day but no one likes burnt skin so you gotta do what ya gotta do. These extreme heat conditions reminded me of when I lived in Florida (minus the humidity) and I’m forever grateful to have move back to my home state.
Sure, our summers in the Midwest are short and our winters keep getting longer but I’m more keen to snuggling on a cool snowy night. As most of you know, I get terribly cranky when I’m hot. (So does the rest of the family. Shoutout to all the Steemit families who go through similar struggles!) I hate to sweat which is why I’m not a fan of the gym. Fun fact: I’d run on a treadmill and convince myself to run faster to hit that next mile- My reward? Wiping sweat off my face.🏃🏻♀️😅
A week ago I wrote down my insecurities for one of my musings. ( XXVII ) In that post I talked about the small insecurities that I have with my skin and I’m working everyday to build up my confidence. There have been days where I’ve walked around with no makeup on, let my skin soak up the sunlight and rejoiced in my newly tanned appearance. FYI: I naturally have freckles.
treatBefore our departure from the city of sin, I met with @vintagevandalizm again but this time for ice cream. We encouraged one another to ‘’ ourselves and spoiled our palates with the creamy sweet delights. We went on to chat about our aspirations, insecurities and what we could do to help motivate one another to grow and strive for better opportunities. Besides having @vintagevandalizm to cheer me on in all of my future endeavors, I want to thank everyone who left me a comment and was kind enough to share their thoughts in my last musings post. Your words are appreciated. :)
Steamy shower scenes..... I had to resteem pretty friend! Xo💜
I also Hate the heat! I prefer mild Summers. My ideal is 60's with occasional days of rain each week, which is why I love the UK so much: it's weather just suits me.
I used to not mind winters, I love snow and skiing and log fires indoors, but our last winter was the other extreme, too cold!
However, I'd much prefer to have to put a jacket on then to try and cool down. Our heat wave here finally break a couple days back and we got rain and I felt so much joy when I awoke to grey sky and the sound of rain. I missed it!
I hope your sad news isn't too sad :(
I'm the opposite, heat is fine, can't stand the cold XD Is the nightlife better in desert areas? Seems like it should be as it's probably safer for humans to be out in the morning and at night than in the middle of the day. Sounds like you managed to have a good time despite the heat though :)
it is steaming hot right now where I am - and since you gave me an upvote, I thought I check what you were up to!
WHOA! Now it got really hot - I need to take a cold shower!
oh wow such a hot weather and a hot and sweet girl <3 i don't have much problem with the temperature even if its hot , i enjoy it
happy that autumn is coming SOON <3
Is it hot in here?😍 Cause I think the temp is rising. Haha!🤩😋😎
I'm glad you feel better and you are determined to accept more your body as it is! I do not imaginary as it would be living with such warmth and being accustomed to a cold climate or not as hot as the Las Vegas would be fatal
i prefer the dry heat....the sweat cools then